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Friday, September 20, 2024

20% uranium enrichment begins. Trump was slapped and Biden’s face flushed!

The government spokesman announcing today that the process of producing uranium with 20% enrichment has started in Shahid Alim Mohammadi (Fordow) enrichment complex, added, that the gas injection process started a few hours ago after initial steps such as informing the International Atomic Energy Agency and submitting a design questionnaire based on the country’s safeguard obligations, and the first UF6 product will be available in a few hours.

The Iranian government has taken this practical step in the framework of the implementation of the “Strategic Action to Lift Sanctions” law, which the Islamic Consultative Assembly recently adopted in response to the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal and unilateral and illegal sanctions against Iran.

The “Strategic Action to Lift Sanctions” law is said to contain practical steps that Iran will take in the next steps in the context of legitimate defense of its interests, which have been ignored by the signatories to the nuclear deal.

Some countries did not take Iran’s warnings seriously, believing that Iran would not do so for fear of Trump’s unexpected response and the possibility of US military action. Announcing the start of 20 percent uranium enrichment, Iran stressed that its policies are not influenced by foreign variables and even military threats and economic pressures, and that the only factor that can determine the direction of this policy is Iran’s supreme interests.

This bold move could send a clear message to US President-elect Joe Biden and his European allies to put an end to Trump’s failed team’s exaggerations, such as reference to Iran‘s missile program and Iran’s regional role in the nuclear deal.

Biden and his friends have no choice but to return to the nuclear deal and implement its clauses, as well as to lift the cruel sanctions against the Iranian people.

Iran, which has stood firm against the Zionist Trump administration and will not give up, will continue to accelerate its efforts to defend the interests of the Iranian people, including the complete withdrawal from the nuclear deal, and at that time, Biden will not only blame Trump but all incentives.

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