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Yemeni fighters on the eve of the conquest of Ma’rib, according to Yemeni analysts and observers

Heavy fighting continues in the south of Ma’rib as Sanaa forces move closer and closer to this strategic city by conquering a new area.

According to the international group of Pak Sahafat News Agency, the front of the oil-rich province of Ma’rib is witnessing strategic developments in the balance of war, and Sanaa forces have taken a major step by gaining control of al-‘Abdiyah after a six-month siege that weighs heavily in favor of Yemeni army and popular committees. Analysts and observers He has made it clear that the battle will be in Sanaa’s favor.

“Sabet Hussein,” a military and strategic affairs expert, told Sputnik: Ansarullah’s domination over the city of “Al-Abdiyah” and the conquest of this city by them was predictable, and its situation was no different from “Ninth”, “Al-Jawf”, “Al-Bayda” and “Bihan”.

He added: Ansarullah forces do not face much resistance and only face heavy bombardment by Saudi coalition fighters.

Sabet Hussein said: Ansarullah’s domination over Al-Abdiyah and before that Al-Jubayyah and the southeastern and northeastern regions of Ma’rib means the siege of the strategic city of Ma’rib from three axes. Thus, nothing has been decided in favor of Ansarullah by deciding the fate of the war, and the government of “Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi” will also lose its last center in northern Yemen.

Brigadier General Aziz Rashid, a Yemeni military and strategic affairs expert, also said: The battle in Ma’rib is not limited to the elite, but we are air-supported by US forces and the Saudi coalition. We also face air strikes and spy drones.

He added: Despite all these moves, they are powerless against the Yemeni army and popular committees, and this pressure has led them to seek a political solution, and the closer we get to the end of the fate of the Ma’rib front through the military, the more they turn. It becomes more serious to the political solution.

Read more: Scouts of Sanaa forces at the gates of Ma’rib / what is the strategic importance of the city of Al-Abdiya?: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=13492

Rashed stated: The political dialogue now with the heads of the districts and the local authorities is similar to what happened with the officials of Al-Abadiyah, and they surrendered without any clashes and without any casualties to the civilians.

Local plans have tangible results, while Riyadh and Washington plans are a ploy to achieve, and the United States and Saudi Arabia are not looking for a solution.

He added: Yemenis in all areas are now seeking to solve their own problems away from foreign bombs and stumbling blocks.

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