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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Yemeni expert: Riyadh and Washington sent ISIS and al-Qaeda to Yemen

A military and strategic expert said that the Saudi coalition had brought all the world’s mercenaries to Yemen and that the United States had recruited them.

For more than three months, the Yemeni army and popular committees in the strategic province of Ma’rib have been fighting with the forces of the resigned government and elements of the aggressor Saudi-Emirati coalition.

Brigadier General Aziz Rashid Ali, an expert on Yemeni military and strategic affairs, said of Ma’rib: “Ma’rib province is primarily of economic importance. It also has political significance because of its shared borders with Saudi Arabia.”

Rashid Ali told Sputnik that Marib owns the southeastern Yemeni provinces of Hadramaut, al-Mehra and Shabwa, which have oil resources.

He added that the US envoy to Yemen is seeking to prevent Yemeni forces from advancing in these areas; because he knows that by dominating the oil resources of Marib, the Yemeni government of national salvation will transfer its income to the Central Bank and its profit will reach all the people of Yemen.

The Yemeni expert believes that if the Sanaa government succeeds in doing so, it will cause the Yemeni people to protest and stand up against the American and Saudi occupiers.

Rashid Ali continued, “The Saudi coalition has brought all the mercenaries of the world to Yemen, and al-Qaeda and ISIS are the same people who were attracted to Yemen by the United States.”

Noting that the United States facilitated the entry of these terrorists into Yemen, she noted that the Americans know that the army and popular committees have decided to liberate Ma’rib.

The Yemeni expert believes that the army and popular committees have come very close to Ma’rib and are liberating many positions every day, but the Saudi-US coalition has opened a special account on al-Qaeda.

Rashid Ali noted that al-Qaeda has nothing to do with the army and the experience of the Yemeni forces, and therefore it is impossible to stop the liberation of Ma’rib.

In the end, he emphasized that the freedom of the people is a political, national and sovereign decision; Because Yemen needs oil and gas and the United States is looting the country’s oil.

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