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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Yemen wins six-year unequal war with Saudi-Emirati coalition

The developments of the Yemeni war and the revelation of the victory of the Yemenis in this unequal battle have necessitated a change of approach for the aggressor countries and their supporters.

Pak Sahafat News Agency – Yemen wins unequal battlefield; the war that has been going on against this country for more than six years.

The war in Yemen is moving towards the complete victory of Ansarullah, its people and army, given the developments that are taking place in it.

Saudi Arabia and the coalition it formed to destroy Yemen have lost their ability despite all the advanced weapons and equipment.

This is the inability to face a force that lacks a fighter and does not even have a warship, but has the ability to seize an Emirati ship carrying weapons.

The most important points in Saudi Arabia and the UAE are targeted by Yemeni missiles and drones, while the Saudis and Emirati target residential areas and the Yemeni people, committing war crimes.

The final victory is from Yemen, and the Saudis will be the biggest losers in this war, the signs of which are well visible.

Even the support and assistance of the United States and the Zionists will not change the equations of war; the secret of Yemen’s victory is the popular resistance that they have undertaken.

The Yemeni army and Ansarullah enjoy the full support of their people, despite the fact that they are in a very difficult situation, deprived of even the simplest facilities of life, and they are struggling with hunger and disease, but they stand by their faith and it is this resistance that has made them victorious on the battlefield.

From the very beginning, the Yemeni people built their revolution on the basis of resistance, and they have seen and tasted its fruits.

The solution for Yemen is for Saudi Arabia to end its attacks, for the United States and other supporters of the Saudi coalition to cut off their support, to allow Yemen to decide its own destiny, and to form an inclusive government with the participation of People are created.

Read more: Ansarullah talks with a European official about the consequences of the Yemeni war on the humanitarian situation: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=19771

After that, the establishment of foreign relations will be in the framework of the national interests of this country and its people, and no foreign country or regime should interfere in the internal affairs of this country.

It will be the Yemeni people who will decide which countries to establish and expand their relations with after the end of the war.

It is natural that establishing and expanding relations with the countries and peoples who have sided with the Yemeni people in the difficult conditions of the war is a priority of the Yemeni government’s foreign policy.

The United States must end the war in order not to be embarrassed and disgraced in the scandal of its regional defeat against Yemen.

It is enough for the United States to cut off its support for the Saudis, and then Riyadh will immediately stop its attacks on Yemen.

Removing the US umbrella from Riyadh, while not diminishing the crime of participating in the massacre of the Yemeni people for the Americans, is a step that must be taken; That is, the United States did what it did in Afghanistan and withdrew its forces.

The United States will not be directly involved in the war in Yemen, even if Ansarullah’s final victory, which would be an unfinished nightmare for the United States if it were established in Yemen.

The United States knows that a military intervention in the Yemeni crisis would be much worse and more painful for them than a defeat in Vietnam.

After leaving Afghanistan, the United States made a major strategic mistake, which was to freeze the assets of its people.

The hatred of the Afghan people for the United States has deepened, and if the United States does the same for Yemen, it will have no place in the country and the region when Yemen achieves its final victory.

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