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Friday, September 20, 2024

UN warning: Yemen’s food reserves are rapidly declining

The United Nations has warned that Yemen’s food reserves are shrinking sharply and that more than half of the country’s population is starving.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group: The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) recently warned that the ongoing war between the aggressor coalition of Saudi Arabia and its allies against the Yemeni people, as well as the food embargo and the siege of the country, have caused great disasters.

According to the organization, more than half of the Yemeni population (about 16.2 million people) suffers from severe hunger, and 50% of children under 5 (2.39 million people) are severely malnourished.

The organization also announced that $ 813 million is needed to help the most vulnerable groups in Yemen, and another $ 1.97 billion is needed to provide first aid to families on the brink of famine.

Read more: The war in Yemen and the failure of Saudi Arabia at the military and diplomatic levels: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=18161

According to the World Food Program, the ongoing war of the Saudi aggression coalition against Yemen and the deepening economic crisis caused by the siege of the country has caused more poverty for millions of Yemenis, and due to the deteriorating situation and the spread of the epidemic, now 20 Millions of people in Yemen are in need of various forms of humanitarian aid.

According to the organization, operations are currently underway in the provinces of Ma’rib, Jawf, Bayda, Shabwa, Hodeidah and a number of others due to the intense clashes between the invading groups supported by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates with the resistance groups and the Yemeni army.

Yemen has been embroiled in instability and war since 2014, sparked by a coalition led by Saudi Arabia and its backed forces, which has exacerbated the situation. Saudi Arabia’s invasion of Yemen has caused one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world.

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