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Thursday, July 4, 2024

UAE moves to fully occupy Socotra, Yemen; The Israelis also set foot on the island

After the fall of Yemen’s Socotra to the UAE through its forces in Algiers and with the support of the separatist and Abu Dhabi-affiliated Transitional Council, a sad fate has been decided for the island.

Al-Bawaba, in a report referring to the destructive actions of the UAE on the Yemeni island of Socotra, said: Following the capture of Yemeni Socotra by the UAE through its forces on the island and with the support of the separatist and Abu Dhabi-affiliated Transitional Council, a tragic fate has befallen the island.

This is with the help of the so-called Transitional Council of Southern Yemen. The Transitional Council forces are the UAE’s arm in the southern provinces of Yemen and take orders directly from Emirati commanders. These are the forces that the UAE created and strengthened, trained and equipped and financially supported.

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With the ousting of the Hadi-affiliated forces, the UAE has become the new island of Socotra, which is out of Yemeni control.

The UAE is seeking the accession of Socotra

The UAE seeks to separate Socotra from the map of Yemen and annex it to the UAE, and pursues this through plans, including the construction of infrastructure and hospitals and communication networks that connect Socotra to the UAE, not Yemen.

U.S. sources say the UAE has conducted a census of the island’s population of 60,000, invited prominent residents to Abu Dhabi for health care, and issued special work permits.

There are rumors that the UAE is seeking a referendum on secession from Yemen and the official accession of Socotra to the UAE.

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Abu Dhabi is plundering the marine resources of Socotra, establishing fishing companies and canning factories. The Emirati Company buys fish from local fishermen for a small price, in addition to fishing with large boats and illegally.

The Emirati Company buys fish from local fishermen for a small price, in addition to fishing with large boats and illegally.

The UAE’s large ships sweep the fish

Media reports indicate that large Emirati ships are sweeping fish, catching 900,000 tonnes of fish over the past nine months, destroying the marine ecosystem. In addition, the Atlantic Down Company has carried out terrifying offshore operations, sweeping thousands of tuna and capturing gems and seashells with underwater explosions.

This sweeping of fish by Emirati ships has created a terrible scenario.

Emirati puppet Khalfan al-Mazrouei buys fish from local fishermen in Socotra at a low price and sends it to the UAE.

Catching fish from local fishermen is also a cover for fishing by large Emirati boats. The UAE buys small quantities of fishermen to add to the massive quantities of fishing with UAE-affiliated vessels and canned fish.

The disaster that the UAE has brought upon Socotra’s marine ecosystem

The factory has been active since its arrival in the UAE and conserves and transports about 50 tons of various fish daily to the UAE, along with the transfer of shrubs and rare species and other Socot fortunes to the UAE.

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International organizations have warned of the UAE’s actions in Socotra and its harmful consequences for residents and the environment.

The island of Socotra has been looted since the UAE took over, and in addition to destroying its pristine nature, it has violated Yemeni sovereignty.

The Israelis have set foot in Socotra

In addition, in order to completely seize Abu Dhabi on the Yemeni island of Socotra, the UAE has activated tourism activities to the island of Socotra, but with the Emirati visa and in recent months has brought hundreds of foreign tourists, including Israelis, to the island without government support. Hundreds of tourists have entered the island in recent weeks with the permission of Abu Dhabi.

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Direct weekly trips to the island have been made by the UAE since last March.

Activists and social media have posted pictures of tourists, mostly Israelis, wandering around the island with the support of Emirati officers.

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