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UAE.. How did the protector of security become a violator of human rights?

Pak Sahafat – The UAE Detainee Support Center revealed the role of the country’s security apparatus in protecting the government and suppressing the detainees.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, the UAE Detainee Support Center announced today (Wednesday) in a statement published by Emirates Leaks: In most countries of the world, there is a government security apparatus with different names, and usually its mission is to protect the country from any internal or external danger and to protect against subversive activities or threats that may be carried out by hostile governments or rebel groups.

This statement clarified that, despite this, this (security) apparatus has a very bad reputation in the Arab world and repressive countries, and its connection with people’s minds is associated with torture, suppression of freedoms, and persecution of opponents. For example, in 2011, due to the negative reputation that this organization had for torturing people and spying on their lives, immediately after the revolution, the government’s security research apparatus was dissolved in Egypt and replaced by the national security apparatus.

The irony of the story is that precisely in the same year, the state security apparatus in the UAE began to turn into a completely “similar” version of its Egyptian counterpart in the period before 2011, and since then, his name has been associated with all kinds of human rights violations in the UAE.

Perhaps what makes the Emirati version far worse than the similar Egyptian version, or even worse in the Arab world, is the unlimited power that this device possesses, in Egypt, for example, state security was merely an “iron-fisted” tool of repression through which dissidents were arrested and tortured, but in the UAE, it is much more than a tool, and through its ubiquitous offices, the government controls with its executive, legislative and judicial powers.

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In the UAE, the state security apparatus can revoke citizens’ citizenships, a power perhaps unmatched anywhere in the world, and can even prevent them from obtaining a driver’s license or any of the individual’s natural rights, including education and work.

Almost “there is nothing that the state security apparatus of the UAE cannot do and it is no exaggeration to say that at the highest level practically” the ruler of the country has become a nightmare and therefore, everything, even treatment in the hospital, depends on its approval.

The most dangerous of all of these is the obvious deviation in the behavior of a system that has become the enemy of security instead of protecting the country’s security, and it is clear that it has lost its compass and instead of aiming its gun at the enemies of the country, it has aimed at its citizens. His first goal is to take revenge on every citizen who disagrees with him or has opposing thoughts.

In 2011, under the pretext that they are a threat to the country’s security, the state security apparatus unleashed its wrath on a group of Emiratis and arrested a group of academics, judges, lawyers and students; The group that later became known as the “Arab Emirates 94” group and their story charts the path in which the UAE will become a “State Security State”.

More dangerous than all of this, the brutality of the state security apparatus was extended to the families of the detainees and the members of these families were restricted in the field of livelihood and were prohibited from studying, working and traveling, and in some cases their citizenship was revoked and even despite not doing anything, they were even denied a driver’s license.

It seems that all these revenges did not quell the anger of the government security apparatus, which prevented the release of the detainees after the end of their sentences, and for this reason, created the administrative detention centers called “Al-Manasaha” to detain them without a court order or Even accused of detaining for an indefinite period.

Perhaps it was the destiny of this group to pay the price for this dangerous change in the direction of the state security apparatus of the UAE, but this change later “included everyone” because it has turned the UAE into a repressive country where human rights violations have become a normal thing.

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