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Friday, September 20, 2024

The plight of a young Saudi man Al-Dabal after being convicted of a crime in Yemen

The “Saudi Truth” site tweets a Saudi user named Hassan bin Ali bin Abdullah Al Dabal, in which he complains about the oppression of the Saudi regime and asks for help before he falls into the hands of the agents.

The only guilt of Hassan bin Ali Al-Dabal was that one day at work he was talking to his friends about the war in Yemen, in which he said that killing Yemeni women and children is forbidden by law.

Hassan says he received a summons from the governor’s office shortly afterwards and that he could be arrested, imprisoned, tortured or killed at any moment.

Two days later, Hassan Al-Da’bal published another tweet saying: Yesterday, I received several more summonses from the Investigation Department and the police and the criminal court, and the police came to our house three times and asked my father questions about me. All this is because I just said that what is happening in Yemen is forbidden. I did not commit a sin to be treated like this.

Hassan Al-Da’bal also said about the martyrdom of a teenager named Mustafa Al-Darwish: Mustafa Hashem Issa Al-Darwish was a resident of Al-Qatif, Tarot Island, my hometown, who was killed for demanding his legitimate rights. They ask me to introduce myself in order to torture and kill me, just as they tortured and killed Mustafa.

Hassan Al-Dabal says: Investigators entered my father’s house on June 16 and stole all my personal belongings, threatening to arrest my father and brother if I did not identify myself within three days. This is while I had left my father’s house the day before, on June 15th.

Hassan Al-Dabal writes in another tweet: Just because I said that what is happening in Yemen is forbidden; I was called a terrorist ??? I was called a rebel ??? I was called a disruptor of national security ???

Social media users warned Hassan al-Da’bal that he should not surrender to Saudi agents because the father of martyr Mustafa al-Darwish had also handed his son over to the government to save his son from death, but the truth is that he killed his son with his own hands.

A user named Mohammad Ahmad Al-Hamdani wrote: Saudi Arabia is the country of ISIS and its ruling regime is oppressive, dictatorial and dictatorial, yet it has the support of the United States, which claims to support Saudi Arabia for freedom of expression, democracy and human rights, while Saudi Arabia’s actions and behavior for It is well known that Khashkchi’s case is a clear example of such behavior.

Another user wrote in his personal account called Rasool: In Saddam’s time, when security or intelligence forces entered a citizen’s home and did not find him at home to detain him, his mother, father, sisters and wife (if married) were taken hostage so that the person under deliver your chase.

Hassan Al-Dabal continues his tweets: The forces of the Investigation Bureau entered our house yesterday Saturday and broke the furniture and stole a piece of gold worth more than 15,000 Saudi riyals, as well as 50,000 riyals in cash. The security forces, who must protect the houses from theft, are stealing our houses.

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