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Sunday, September 22, 2024

The arrival of the convoy carrying American military equipment from Iraq to Syria

Pak Sahafat – News sources reported the arrival of a convoy carrying military equipment, ammunition and fuel from US bases in Iraq to eastern Syria.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, sources told Sputnik news agency that this new convoy of the international anti-ISIS coalition led by the United States and carrying military equipment entered the areas under the control of the Kurdish militia known as the “Syrian Democratic Forces” from the illegal “Al-Walid” crossing on the border with Iraq.

These sources also said that the cargo of this convoy included 30 trucks of ammunition, military equipment and fuel.

According to this report, the cargo of this convoy has gone to the illegal bases of the coalition in al-Shadadi in the suburbs of al-Hasakah in northeastern Syria.

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Al-Mayadeen news channel had previously announced that the so-called anti-ISIS coalition has installed fireworks and air defense systems in its bases in eastern Syria since the beginning of 2023 in order to protect these bases from popular resistance attacks.

Militants known as “QSD” with the support of the American occupying forces are in charge of controlling most of the Syrian oil fields in order to steal them, and in recent months, thousands of trucks carrying weapons, military and logistics equipment have entered the Syrian oil fields.

With the defeat of the terrorist group “ISIS” as the American arm in Syria, the American terrorists directly replaced this group and since then instead of ISIS, they began to extract and steal Syrian oil and continue killing the people of this country.

During the recent years, America in the West Asian region, especially in Syria, has become a scourge of people’s lives and a thief of their oil resources; an action that the ISIS terrorist group has done before.

The Syrian government has repeatedly emphasized that these American militias and terrorist elements in the east and northeast of Syria have no other purpose than looting oil and will end their illegal presence.

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