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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has increased the powers of the Jurisprudential Scientific Council

According to the official Syrian news agency (SANA), Bashar al-Assad issued Order No. 28 of 2021 to strengthen the role and increase the powers of the Scientific Council of Jurisprudence.

The structure of the Jurisprudential Scientific Council according to the new order will be as follows: The Minister of Endowments will be elected as the chairman of the council. Two Deputy Ministers, President of the Ulema of the Levant, Judge of the First Sharia in Damascus, 30 senior Syrian ulema representing all religions, representatives of young imams, five women scholars of the Holy Quran, representative of the University of Sharia Sham and two representatives from the law faculties of public universities will also be members of the council.

Read more: Whispers of Syria’s return to the Arab League: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=15168

The tasks of this council, in addition to the previous tasks according to the new order of the Syrian president, will be as follows:

Determining the start and end dates of the lunar months and approving the new month and announcing the jurisprudential rules related to religious rites and worships.

Issuing fatwas based on jurisprudential arguments based on Islamic jurisprudence with all its schools and creating the necessary principles, criteria and mechanisms to regulate and control them.

In this decree, Bashar al-Assad also repealed Article 3 of Law No. 31 of 2018 and the position of Mufti of the Republic and transferred its powers to the Scientific Council of Jurisprudence.

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