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Scouts of Sanaa forces at the gates of Ma’rib / what is the strategic importance of the city of Al-Abdiya?

The forces of the Yemeni army and the people’s committees have made lightning advances on the Ma’rib front, and they have reached the gates of the city.

According to the international group of Pak Sahafat News Agency, Al-Mayadin reports on the advance of Sanaa forces in Ma’rib: It is not difficult for the warriors who have seven years of war experience and this experience has polished them, to decide the fate of the battle of Marib.

These warriors have acquired excellent skills and experience in ground battles and have continued to advance and win under any circumstances, no matter how difficult.

In the past few days, the pioneers of the Sanaa forces have achieved great achievements in “Rahba and Al-Abdiya” located in the south of Ma’rib.

The scouts of the Sana’a forces have reached the triangle of “Ma’rib, al-Bayda al-Shabwa”, and with this achievement, the armed forces have connected three important fronts and narrowed the siege from the three fronts: south, northeast and northwest.

Al-Mayadin reported: A few days ago, the Yemeni armed forces unveiled a military operation in the northwest, from the side of Sarwah and the Ma’rib Dam, in an operation called “Dawn of Victory”. The operation was not named by accident because its equations and results enabled the Yemeni armed forces to reach the gates of the city of Ma’rib, and as the saying goes, the city lights are visible to Yemeni fighters.

Referring to the high skill of the Yemeni fighters, al-Mayadin writes: The broadcast images show how Yemeni fighters managed to cross difficult obstacles and conquer the enemy’s military positions, which they had built over the past few years, one after the other on the mountains.

In the face of enemy forces, they flee and leave their tools and surrender. According to these images, the Yemeni combat skill is shown, which works well with guided missiles and apparently catches the equipment and assembly centers of the enemy.

In addition, it manages the battle with wisdom and authority and excellent coordination between the infantry and support forces, anti-tank and anti-missile and air defense. Due to the high power of the Yemeni air defense, the enemy warplanes and spy planes do not have maneuvering power. Seeing these images tells analysts a lot of thought-provoking facts.

There is no doubt that this operation and this heroic scene marked the days of the battle in the south of the city of Ma’rib, especially Al-Juba and Al-Abdiya.

Read more: Saudi cry for help in the battle of Ma’rib: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=3464

Al-Mayadin reported: The operation took place with the support of the Ma’rib tribes. In front of the enemy line, it has collapsed and is psychologically and militarily disorganized. The enemy army and its agents are disturbed and they accuse each other. Leading elements accuse the coalition of leaving them alone, while the coalition accuses these agents of helplessness.

For example, when the host of a Saudi television channel asked “Abdo Majli”, the spokesman of the forces of “Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi”: Why could not you break the siege of “Al-Abdiya”? “Majli” evades the answer and the presenter again raises his question in another way: what have you done for the forces in “Al-Abdiya”?

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