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Monday, July 1, 2024

Saudi Arabia released 2 Palestinians from prison

Pak Sahafat – News sources announced that Saudi Arabia released 2 Palestinians from prison.

According to Pak Sahafat International News Agency, Saudi authorities on Friday released two Palestinian citizens who were arrested in 2019 on charges of supporting the resistance.

The user account “Detainees of Freedom of Expression” announced that “Bilal Yahya al-Akkad” and “Ammar Yahya al-Akkad”, two Palestinian brothers, were released from the prisons of Saudi Arabia.

According to this user account, the Saudi authorities released these 2 Palestinians after serving 4 years of their sentences.

The user account of the detainees of Azadi Bayan emphasized that the Al-Akkad brothers were released and went to Turkey, while their cousin “Zakaria Al-Akkad” is still in custody.

Two days ago, the Saudi authorities released the Jordanian citizen “Abdullah Rashid” after completing his four-year sentence.

Informative sources told “Araby 21” that Abdullah Rashid entered Jordan, which he is a citizen of.

During the past weeks, the Saudi authorities released a group of detainees after the end of their sentences.

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Earlier, an informed source in an interview with Arabi21 announced that Saudi Arabia has already released two of the detainees, while it plans to take steps to release others and send them to Jordan and Turkey.

According to the report of this source, the new group includes people whose sentences are coming to an end.

Saudi Arabia recently released four detainees, sending “Suleiman Haddad” and his son “Mohammed” to Turkey, and “Mohammed Fatafatah” and “Mohammed Asad” were also sent to Jordan.

Earlier, the Islamic resistance movement “Hamas” in a statement considered Saudi Arabia’s decision to release the detainees as a step in the right direction.

In February 2019, the Saudis arrested more than 60 Jordanians and Palestinians living in Saudi Arabia, including “Mohammed Al-Khizri”, a representative of the Islamic resistance movement “Hamas”, on the charge of providing financial support to the Palestinian resistance.

The detainees are in four political prisons in Saudi Arabia, including “Al-Hayer” in Riyadh, “Zahban” in Jeddah, “Shaar” in Abha and “Al-Dammam”.

Riyadh has not made any comments since the start of the case of those arrested supporting the resistance.

On the 27th of Mehr, the Saudi authorities released the former representative of the Palestinian Islamic resistance movement Hamas after more than three and a half years of detention.

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