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Revealing the involvement of 3 Saudi officials in the smuggling of Egyptian antiquities

Some Egyptian sources reported the involvement of three Saudi officials in the smuggling of Egyptian antiquities.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, Egyptian sources reported that three Saudi officials were involved in the smuggling of Egyptian antiquities and that Riyadh was resolving the crisis.

Website Saudi Leaks wrote: These sources stated that Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan’s recent visit to Cairo to attend meetings of the Egyptian-Saudi Joint Committee was an opportunity to discuss the details of the case, which the Egyptian judiciary is currently examining in connection with the smuggling of goods.

The sources said that the Saudi minister had come to Cairo with an important message, because there were rumors about the involvement of three Saudi personalities in the case.

The sources further stressed that bin Farhan is seeking to find a way out of the predicament, which is related to the presence of the names of the Saudi suspects, whose names are mentioned in the investigation.

According to these sources, the meetings of the joint committee of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which is said to have been attended by the Saudi minister, were to be held at the level of deputy ministers.

The sources revealed new scenes related to the important antiquities case, which was recently referred to the court, including “Hassan Ratib Tajer”, “Hamad Saeed Al-Shamsi”, the UAE ambassador to Egypt, and “Ala Hassanin”, a former member of the Egyptian parliament.

These sources further emphasized that during the investigation, Hassan Ratib al-Tajer stated that the antiquities of the accused had left Egypt and entered the UAE with the knowledge of the official Egyptian institutions, and that his role was nothing but a mediator in this case.

Read more: Targets behind Saudi Arabia’s sharp attack on Syria at the UN: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=17411

According to the sources, Hassan Ratab stressed during the investigation that he was the victim of very big differences between the prominent officials of the two countries regarding Egypt and the UAE.

The sources also revealed that the recently ousted Emirati ambassador to Cairo is not the only Emirati figure involved in the case.

Egyptian police arrested the defendants in the case with 201 artifacts, including two wooden coffins engraved with hieroglyphics, a set of spells representing various gods, another set of “amulets” and three pieces of stone holding pharaonic inscriptions.

The artifacts discovered included a stone table, two pots of black basalt, four vases of various sizes, a stone bowl, and 24 cauldrons of various shapes and sizes. Also, 3 small vases, a small green jar, 6 pieces of pottery in the shape of a small pot and 36 sculptures of different lengths were seized. The works were discovered and confiscated and reported to the prosecutor’s office and an investigation was launched.

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