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Friday, September 20, 2024

Release a Palestinian prisoner after 19 years of torture

Social media users have joined forces with the Palestinian captive Iyad Haribat family and called on the international community and local authorities to intervene to save their son’s life after his condition worsens.

The family of the Palestinian captive Iyad called on the international community and international and domestic legal and humanitarian institutions to save his life by keeping him in the Zoroastrian hospital in Soroka, and after his physical condition became critical and he could be martyred at any moment.

Haribat, a Palestinian prisoner over the age of 39, was recently imprisoned in Ramallah and suffering from prostate problems.

Prison officials also deliberately refused to treat him, so that his condition was critical and the head of the prison was forced to transfer him to the prison health center.

The prison medical service did not treat him properly and his condition worsened, he was transferred to Soroka Hospital after 5 days, so that the hospital doctors operated on him on July 21, 2021 to remove his prostate, now, in the process of serious operation, which led to the cessation of the activity of his body parts, a respiratory system was connected to him.

Haribat is now in real danger, forcing the Palestinian Prisoners of War Association to hold Israeli officials fully responsible for his life.

Since his arrest in 2002, he has been the target of deliberate medical negligence and gradual killing, which is one of the regime’s planned tools, and in recent years has been the main reason for the martyrdom of a group of sick prisoners.

He has been interrogated for dozens of extremely difficult months since his arrest on July 21, 2002 Bar was in solitary confinement, the longest solitary confinement in 2017, lasting six months, during which time he was ill.

In 2014, he was subjected to retaliatory operations in which he was injected with a suspicious ampule to assassinate and kill him, which left him paralyzed in his left arm and leg and general weakness, after which he uses a wheelchair.

Israeli officials barred him from visiting his family two years ago, and his lawyers were unable to see him in hospital. His family demanded that he stay in the hospital and not be transferred to the slaughterhouse of Ramallah Prison in Israel and meet with his family in response to the shocking news about the critical condition of the prisoner.

Activists on social media voiced their support for the issue of the capture of Palestinian prisoners of war, so that the hashtag #Save_of_the_State_of_Harbiat became a trend in Jordan, and activists accused Israeli officials of torturing him and medical negligence.

Activists addressed Ayad’s physical condition due to medical negligence, especially after injecting him with a suspicious ampule that caused his memory loss and paralysis.

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