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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Press TV statement against US action: Sanctions do not leave us out of the field

Following the US blockade of Press TV’s website, the network stressed that the voice of the silent will remain the same.

Press TV issued a statement calling the US government’s new anti-liberty move to block the domain of the English-language news network’s website illegal.

The network issued a statement emphasizing the continuation of its activities in the context of cyberspace, new media and various social media platforms.

The statement said: “The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation has unlawfully and unannouncedly blocked access to the Press TV website via the .com domain.”

Press TV emphasized: “Contrary to the US government’s excuses, the main reason for the closure of Press TV is the accurate and timely information of the network about the resistance of the honorable Palestinian people against the Israeli occupier regime in the recent war imposed by the regime against the oppressed people of Gaza and its crimes. It has been against the oppressed people of Palestine, supporting other currents of resistance and covering up the oppression of the oppressed nations around the world, from Afghanistan to Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Bahrain, and breaking the news monopoly of the dominant media.”

Press TV described the US government’s move as a cost to adhere to its independent professional approach, stating that “the slogan of the voice of the dumb has set an example. Press TV and the pro-resistance independent media are paying the price for the successive defeats on the ground by the United States and its affiliated regimes, and the US government’s retaliatory action confirms the importance, position and widespread influence of these media.”

Referring to the reservation of the right to pursue legal action by competent domestic and international authorities, the network announced that “from now on, the website will continue to operate on the Iranian ir domain and other local domains around the world, and its pages Via presstv.ir will be available to users.

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