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Friday, September 20, 2024

Permanent members of the Security Council and Saudi Arabia called for an end to the war in Yemen

Representatives of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council issued a statement on the cessation of hostilities in Yemen’s Ma’rib province after meeting with the Saudi ambassador to Yemen.

Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Yemen Mohammed al-Jaber met with representatives of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (US, Britain, China, Russia and France) on Wednesday.

Representatives of the five countries issued a joint statement after the meeting, stressing the need for a political solution to end the Yemeni crisis and calling for an end to the conflict in the central Yemeni province of Ma’rib.

The meeting discussed the efforts of the UN special envoy to Yemen, the need for a political solution under the auspices of the organization and the support of the resigned Yemeni government led by President Abd al-Mansour Hadi, the Saudi news agency WASS reported.

In a statement, representatives of the permanent members of the Security Council condemned the Yemeni attacks on Saudi Arabia and stressed the need to calm down and immediately end the conflict in Marib.

Read more: Scouts of Sanaa forces at the gates of Ma’rib / what is the strategic importance of the city of Al-Abdiya?: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=13492

They also called on all sides in Yemen to engage in a genuine dialogue to find a comprehensive political solution to end the crisis in Yemen and alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The Yemeni army and popular committees have liberated 12 of the 14 cities in Ma’rib during recent ongoing operations to liberate Ma’rib province, and only the two cities of Ma’rib and Al-Wadi are not yet fully under their control.

Recently, as the Yemeni army and popular committees advanced towards Al-Wadi and reached the southern entrance of the city and besieged it from three directions, the “Obaida” tribes issued a statement in the battle between Sanaa forces and forces affiliated with the Saudi coalition and the party. “Reform” is neutral and at the same time will not allow any side to turn the city, their houses and farms into a battlefield, will not confront the forces of Sanaa and will adhere to neutrality.

The statement was issued by the Obaida tribes, which many observers described as a coup against the reformist party affiliated with the resigned Yemeni government, which sought to counter the advance of Sanaa forces by establishing military bases and fortifications in al-Wadi.

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