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Friday, September 20, 2024

Nasrallah: The signs of the decline of the Zionist regime are clearly visible

Hezbollah’s secretary general Seyed Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech on the occasion of Quds Day, that the reliance of the Palestinian people on their rights and the non-abandonment of Jerusalem give legitimacy to the whole axis of resistance, and the current events in occupied Palestine indicate that the decline of the Zionist regime has begun.

“Al-Quds Day is not a tactical or political issue, but an ideological, religious, humanitarian and moral issue,” said Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, secretary general of Hezbollah in Lebanon, at the beginning of his speech on the occasion of World Quds Day.

He added that the resistance of the Palestinian people and its adherence to its rights and the non-abandonment of Jerusalem is an essential element, and this resistance is very important and gives legitimacy to the whole axis of resistance.

According to Al-Mayadin, he continued, “In Jerusalem, we see a defenseless person fighting the enemy armed to the teeth, and this is an important development because Israel thinks that the Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank do not have the power to confront.” An important development is the entry of the resistance in Gaza into the line of conflict in Jerusalem, and this issue must be stabilized.

Nasrallah said: The enemy is always trying to keep Gaza away from the events in Al-Quds. I call on the Palestinian leaders to continue their position in helping Al-Quds from the Gaza Strip, because this will change some of the rules of the conflict in favor of Al-Quds and the protection of Al-Aqsa Mosque.


He added that Iran is the most powerful country on the axis of resistance and that efforts have been made for years to “overthrow” the Iranian regime and return it to the Israeli-American axis, but these efforts have failed.

Nasrallah said Iran had passed the danger stage and the issue of “US war with Iran” was over. When Trump was talking about war, Imam Khamenei said there would be no war. The betting of the United States and the Israeli regime on Iran to abandon its nuclear program is over.

Nasrallah clarified: There is now news of Saudi-Iranian dialogue, Iran-Saudi dialogue is positive, and we welcome any international or Arab dialogue with Iran because it can contribute to calming the region. 40 years of experience has shown that the Islamic Republic of Iran does not sell its allies. One who should be concerned about the Iran-Saudi dialogue is the US allies in the region, from the Israeli regime to some countries in the Persian Gulf, but Iran’s friends are quite confident that what has happened is in the interest of the resistance. We support Iran-regional or Arab dialogue because it strengthens the friends’ front and weakens the enemies.


Hezbollah’s secretary general went on to address the issue of Syria, saying that Syria was behind the war and that many Arab countries had begun contacts with Syria.

There have been reports of the Saudis meeting with the Syrians, which the Syrians themselves must deny or confirm, but what can be said is that Saudi Arabia cannot impose conditions on relations with Iran while Riyadh itself is negotiating with Tehran.

He added that Iraqis are countering the resurgence of ISIS and that these efforts have so far failed. Targeting the resistance forces in Iraq has failed.


Referring to the issue of Yemen, Nasrallah said that Yemen, with its young and honest leadership, is an added value to the axis of resistance. The Yemenis are in the seventh year of the Saudi coalition invasion, and they will win in the end because there is no option for the world but to stop the war. The fact that the Yemeni people marched today in solidarity with Al-Quds Day shows their position.

Zionist regime

Hezbollah’s secretary general stressed that the Israelis today are concerned about the stability of the resistance axis and related developments.

He added that a change in the new US administration’s priorities would affect the region and worry US mercenaries in the region, the first of which is the Israeli enemy.

Nasrallah said the axes that were cohesive in previous years have now disintegrated and shifted from attack tactics to defense. The Zionist enemy has been defeated, one of the obvious signs of which is the internal crisis in occupied Palestine. The Israeli election has been repeated several times due to Benjamin Netanyahu’s insistence on remaining prime minister with the aim of escaping trial and imprisonment.

Nasrallah stressed that if a war breaks out in the region and thousands of missiles are fired from more than one front, can the Israeli regime’s air defense counteract these missiles?

Hezbollah’s secretary general also referred to the collapse of a bridge in occupied Palestine last week and the killing of dozens of Zionists, saying the incident showed that the Israeli regime’s internal front was not ready to deal with the war.


Hezbollah’s secretary general went on to address the issue of indirect talks between Lebanon and the Zionist regime, saying that Hezbollah’s position was not to interfere in the talks and hand over the case to the Lebanese government.

He stressed that it is in Lebanon’s interest and the resistance to stay away from any border demarcation talks with occupied Palestine. The Lebanese government must fulfill its historic responsibility in this matter and emphasize its rights. We entered the case of the [occupied] farms of Shebaa and Talal al-Kafr Shuba when the Lebanese government emphasized that these two are Lebanese [and occupied] areas.

Nasrallah went on to warn about the Israeli exercise, which is scheduled to begin on Sunday. From Sunday morning, when the enemy exercises begin, we will take calm and appropriate steps away from the eyes of the enemy, and we will be very careful and ready.

He said: I warn the Israeli enemy of any wrongdoing in the future. Any Israeli action to break the rules of the conflict or security and military action against Lebanon will be an adventure and we will not go through it at all. Our power is increasing day by day and the enemy cannot prevent the quantitative and qualitative development of the resistance.

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