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Mujtahid revealed: Saudi Arabia’s role in removing Mansour Hadi from power in Yemen

The Saudi cyberspace whistleblower and activist Mujtahid fired Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi and explained how he resigned.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, Scenes of the sudden resignation of ousted and fugitive Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi and the formation of the Presidential Council are still shrouded in mystery, but Mujtahid, a whistleblower and activist in Saudi cyberspace, tweeted how Mansour Hadi was ousted.

The Mujtahid announced: Negotiations between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the Houthis began more than a year ago in Muscat, the capital of Oman, and the Saudi Crown Prince entered into talks with the Sanaa cabinet without informing the resigned government and Mansour Hadi himself.

The mujtahid claimed: “During the talks, Mohammed bin Salman called on the Sanaa government delegation to make concessions in return and to retaliate by continuing attacks on Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and agreed to all the Sanaa delegation’s demands, including $ 100 billion in compensation. But in the end, they wanted to cover these agreements with Yemen and leave the final agreement to talks with a Yemeni team.”

According to the mujtahid, Muhammad Bin Salman thought that he could form a council to replace Mansour Hadi, have executive and legislative powers, and be able to sign the agreement reached between Bin Salman and the government of Sanaa.

He further added: The Saudi media tried to cover Riyadh’s dramatic talks, and brought in a number of groups close to Riyadh to discuss the so-called transition phase. While this consultation was merely a show and there was no consultation or negotiation between them; instead, they stayed in luxury hotels and ate and drank there until all of a sudden on Wednesday evening they were all told they had to go to the royal palace.

The mujtahid further emphasized: These parties and ministers of Mansour Hadi were sent to several separate rooms when they entered the royal palace, then at midnight they brought Mansour Hadi and his sons Nasser and Jalal to the palace. He then asked Mansour Hadi to enter Muhammad bin Salman’s room alone to talk to him. Mansour Hadi’s sons also went to a separate room.

The report states that after Abd Rabbo’s meeting with bin Salman, a lie was told by both sides and those present in their rooms were told that Abd Rabba had decided to step down and form a presidential council and asked them to share their recommendations. Thus, Mansour Hadi signed the document of his resignation, as well as the dismissal of his deputy and the formation of the Presidential Council.

Read more:

Mujtahid: The Israelis have become bin Salman’s bodyguards

Mujtahid explains: “Abd Rabbo signed this decision and we do not know if he was really deceived or because he was unable to express his opposition due to his weakness and inability.”

On the other hand, according to Mujtahid, Abdul Rabah met with his deputy, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, and apologized to him, embarrassed, for what had happened.

Mujtahid also wrote: Muhammad Bin Salman took his two sons hostage to make sure that Mansour Hadi, who had been deceived, would not do anything, so that the news of his dismissal would spread everywhere and be welcomed by the countries and the United Nations.

He said: “Abd al-Barba asked Muhammad Bin Salman to ensure his safety and to treat him like the leaders of the countries also consider the financial benefits for him and his children.”

The Mujtahid wrote in the end: “Mohammad Bin Salman tried to divide the composition of the Presidential Council evenly from the north and the south, but the UAE overcame it and brought in four members of the council, two from the Brotherhood and one from the Socialist Party and a person close to Ali Abdullah Saleh are also members of the council.”

Mansour Hadi ousted from power in Yemen a week after the United Nations announced in early April 2022 that the parties to the Yemeni crisis had agreed to a two-month ceasefire beginning in Ramadan.

The resigned Yemeni president attributed the decision to the completion of transitional missions.

The resigned Yemeni president said in a statement about the transfer of power: “According to this declaration, I will irrevocably delegate all my powers to the Presidential Council in accordance with the Constitution, the Persian Gulf Initiative and its executive mechanism.”

The other seven members of the council are Sultan Ali al-Arada, Tariq Muhammad Saleh, Abdul Rahman Abu Zara, Abdullah al-Alimi Bauzir, Osman Hussein Majli, Eid al-Adha Qasim al-Zubaidi and Faraj Salemin al-Bahsani.

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