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Friday, September 20, 2024

Muhammad ibn Salman: I do not care if Biden understands me or not

The Saudi Crown Prince stressed that he did not care if the US President Joe Biden understood some of the issues concerning him or not.

According to Pak Sahafat News agency, Asked if US President Joe Biden had misunderstood some of his concerns, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told Atlantic Magazine, excerpts of which were published on Thursday, that he did not care. .

He stressed: It is up to Biden to think about American interests. The two countries should not interfere in each other’s internal affairs.

The Biden government has previously released a CIA report accusing the Saudi Crown Prince of involvement in the assassination of Jamal Khashgeji, a critical Saudi journalist at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Read more: American Institute: Saudi Arabia is facing an unprecedented state of insecurity: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=19463

Mohammad bin Salman told Atlantic Magazine that he felt his rights had been violated when he was accused of brutal murder and mutilation of Khashgeji.

He said: “I feel that the human rights law has not been applied to me. Article 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is based on the fact that the accused is innocent until proven guilty.”

Asked if power in Saudi Arabia would be transformed into a constitutional monarchy, he said: “No, in Saudi Arabia there is only a pure monarchy.”

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia said: Riyadh aims to maintain and strengthen its strong and historic ties with the United States. Saudi investment in the United States amounts to $ 800 billion.

In a separate statement released by the official Wass news agency, the Saudi Crown Prince said his country was likely to reduce its investment in the United States.

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