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Friday, September 20, 2024

Lebanese female host attacks bin Salman again

Al-Jazeera Qatari network host Ghada Owais verbally attacked the Saudi Crown Prince and announced that he would sue in court for tarnishing my reputation and trying to hack a mobile phone and spy.

Owais wrote on her Twitter page, “I will not stop complaining about Muhammad bin Salman and I will not remain silent about his crimes.”

Where is the body?

The Lebanese host of Al-Jazeera network continued her tweet: “Publish the photo as much as you want and lie and slander as much as you want, because I will not remain silent and I will repeat this question, where is the body of Khashoggi?

She added: I still want the freedom of the Lejan Al-Hazlol, O worthless; I will not withdraw from complaining against you.

She wrote in another tweet: If all the worlds and galaxies come together, I will not recognize Israel, and if the world and the galaxies cooperate with this addict, I will not withdraw my complaint.

Social media users also reacted to Owais‘ tweets, praising her stance and stressing the need to continue it until bin Salman is tried.

One user said: “It is true that I do not agree with many of your orientations, but I agree with my position as a journalist in the face of various issues such as suffocate your voice and ignore the freedom of your opinion, but nothing is unlikely from the saw father group.”

Another user said: Big countries receive billions of dollars for silence and not asking about corpses Ms. Ghadeh Too brave.

Another user said: If the earth and the sky come together, we will not recognize Israel and we will not make peace with any of the insurgents in the Arab countries until the last day of our lives. Palestine is our problem to see it free, God willing.

Al Jazeera reports that Mohammed bin Salman and Mohammed bin Ziad have filed lawsuits in US courts.

In her complaint, she accused the Saudi Crown Prince and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi of hacking their mobile phones and publishing her personal pictures six months ago.

Al-Jazeera‘s host added that my targeting was due to critical reports from Saudi Arabia.

She said bin Salman thinks that the policy of buying claims and intimidation will lead to something, but this is wrong. They think that they will not be punished and that they can continue their authoritarian actions.

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