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Friday, September 20, 2024

Human rights organizations are concerned about “enforced disappearance” in Saudi Arabia

Pak Sahafat – An international human rights organization condemned Al Saud’s approach to enforced disappearance and demanded the unconditional release of freedom of expression prisoners.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, the international human rights organization Right Livability condemned the forced disappearance of Saudi activists and critics.

This human rights organization expressed concern about the situation of freedom of speech prisoners, legal activists in Saudi Arabia, especially “Mohammed Al-Qahtani”.

According to the report of this organization, the Saudi authorities refused to provide any details about his whereabouts or physical condition despite numerous inquiries from the Al-Qahtani family.

This international organization urgently called on the Saudi authorities to reveal the whereabouts and condition of Muhammad al-Qahtani and to release him, along with other prisoners who have been arbitrarily detained, without any conditions.

The aforementioned organization also emphasized that the Saudi authorities must guarantee a safe and favorable environment for all human rights defenders and allow them to carry out their peaceful actions without fear of intimidation and retaliation.

Concerns about the fate of Mohammad al-Qahtani, who has been in prison for nearly ten years, have increased, because there has been no news about him for three weeks and his contact with his family has been cut off.

Before this, Lina Al-Hathloul, director of supervision and communications in Al-Qast, said: Al-Qahtani endured severe torture for many years and was harassed and severely treated during his detention, and this was because of his reformist activities.

Read more:

Saudi human rights activists have called for the release of some prisoners

Recently, Turki al-Shalhoub, a human rights activist and writer, wrote on Twitter: The disappearance of Dr. Mohammad Al-Qahtani is a new crime that was added to the previous crimes of the Bin Salman regime against political prisoners.

Dr. Mohammad Fahad al-Qahtani, a former professor of economics (Institute of Diplomatic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and one of the founding members of the Civil and Political Rights Association in Saudi Arabia, has been detained by the Saudi authorities for nearly 10 years; Security authorities arrested him in mid-2012 for his human rights activities, while a court sentenced him to 10 years in prison in March 2013, followed by a 10-year travel ban.

The most important charges against Muhammad al-Qahtani are participation in creating an unauthorized civil society, criticizing the government’s policy and the way the government manages economic affairs, inciting public opinion against the authorities, and describing the “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” with titles such as police state and military rule.

Enforced disappearances have often been used as a strategy to spread terror in Saudi society. The sense of insecurity caused by this act is not only limited to the close relatives of the disappeared, but also affects their communities and societies.

Enforced disappearances in Al Saud regime prisons are increasing. This regime deliberately uses a brutal and repressive policy against the opposition, without respect for humanitarian or international law.

From time to time, the families of the disappeared forcefully request the Saudi regime to respond to their humanitarian demands, to inform them of the place of detention of their relatives and to reassure them; But this regime does not care about humanitarian calls and human rights, and this has prompted human rights organizations to follow the Saudi regime’s enforced disappearance policy against critics and dissidents.

Despite constant calls from international human rights organizations for Riyadh to respect human rights, the country still applies the most heinous violations and continues to use forced disappearances to suppress its opponents. Despite Saudi Arabia’s efforts to promote social reforms, which have no real purpose other than trying to improve their image in the public opinion, King Salman and his son are the most criminal people in the field of human rights violations.

Some observers in a report referring to the intensification of repression in Saudi Arabia announced that the Saudi authorities are continuously arresting hundreds of human rights defenders and activists along with many religious figures, writers and critics, and these arrests also include government officials, businessmen and princes.

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