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How did Ansarullah’s 7 years of resistance and missile power force the United States to change its position?

The United States, while continuing its hostile policies against Ansarullah, was forced to recognize it by emphasizing the movement’s role in Yemeni politics.

The United States, as the main party in the Saudi-led anti-Yemeni war that has been going on for the past seven years, has always played an active role in this destructive war, both militarily and in the military, as well as in the political arena.

America’s old enmity with Ansarullah

In the first place, it is clear that Yemeni Ansarullah, as a member of the regional resistance axis, like other movements such as Hezbollah, is one of the main enemies of the United States and its projects in the Middle East, and Washington’s hostile policies against this Yemeni movement have existed in various ways since its inception.

Yemen has been under direct US-controlled siege by the Saudi coalition for the past six years and Abdul Hakim al-Khivani, head of the National Salvation Government, Mutlaq Amer al-Marani, deputy head of the National Salvation Office, and Abdul Qadir al-Shami, members of the Yemeni Ansarullah movement, are among Yemeni officials sanctioned by the US Treasury Department.

The administration of former US President Donald Trump also announced in the last days of his life in the White House that he had put Ansarullah on the list of terrorist organizations. Of course, in the first days of his presence in the White House, the administration of the new US President Joe Biden, during the maneuvers he started with humanitarian claims and efforts to end the Yemeni war, declared that he had removed Ansarullah from the list of terrorists.

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Nevertheless, Washington’s support for Riyadh and its efforts to weaken and eventually eliminate Ansarullah and turn all areas of Yemen into a hotbed of US forces remain at the forefront of US goals in Yemen, and it will not hesitate to do so. Recently, the United Nations, which is under the direct supervision of the United States, announced on the orders of its Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, that it intends to put the Ansarullah movement on the list of “violators of children’s rights”! However, the names of Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime are not included in this list as two child-killing regimes!

When the United States is forced to recognize Ansarullah

But in the midst of all American hostility to Ansarullah, while Washington believed that the resigned government of Yemen, led by fugitive President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, had international legitimacy and that the Yemeni crisis could only be negotiated, last Wednesday, US Special Envoy for Yemen Timothy Landerker acknowledged the Yemeni Ansarullah movement in a webinar between the National Council on US-Arab Relations and did not hold it fully responsible for the violence in Yemen.

The US official said in part: “The United States recognizes Ansarullah as a legitimate party, a group that has achieved a lot in Yemen. This group alone is not responsible for the violence and is part of an Arab coalition.”

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From what has been said, it is clear that the US action in recognizing Ansarullah as an active element in the Yemeni political arena is not due to Washington’s goodwill towards the Yemenis or to trying to end the Yemeni war.

How did the Yemeni missiles bring the United States to its knees?

Experts, meanwhile, say the first factor that led the United States to surrender to Ansarullah is the astonishing increase in Yemeni military and missile capabilities that have reached the brink of creating a “terror equation.” Since 2015, Yemeni People’s Units and the army have fired hundreds of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and UAVs at the positions of the invading coalition forces and on Saudi soil, in some cases reaching as far as Riyadh, the Saudi capital.

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Currently, the drone and missile power of the Yemeni forces is such that even the American media acknowledges it. In this regard, the “Wall Street Journal” had previously written in a report quoting informed sources: “Ansarullah drone operations are far more accurate and effective than what the United States and its allies in the region have publicly acknowledged, and this shows that existing technology is rapidly posing a threat to the United States and its allies in the region.”

At the beginning of 2021, the spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces, Yahya Sari, summarized the most important achievements of the Yemeni people in the Yemeni war as follows:

1.The Yemeni army’s air defense and popular committees have conducted more than 721 operations since the beginning of the aggression to shoot down or flee enemy aircraft.

2. Yemeni army forces and popular committees have destroyed more than 8,887 tanks, military vehicles, personnel carriers, armored vehicles and bulldozers of the enemy since the beginning of the Saudi aggression.

3. Clashes since 2015 have killed more than 10,000 Saudi and Emirati officers and soldiers.

4. Thousands of ballistic missiles hit enemy bases and facilities during the five years of battle, and the enemy must wait for the same number and even more in a very short time. The drone unit of the Yemeni Army and People’s Committees has carried out 4,116 military operations since the beginning of the Saudi invasion.

5. Recently, with the unveiling of the “Bass 1” type armored vehicle made by Yemeni experts, the Yemenis showed that they have become self-sufficient in the production of all types of military industries.

6. The advances of the Yemeni army and popular committees in Ma’rib province, the last stronghold of the Saudi aggressors in Yemen, with eight breathtaking operations, are among the other achievements of the Yemenis in this war.

Israel’s interests in the Yemeni terror and American terror

On the other hand, the interests of the Zionist regime in the region are also one of the main concerns of the United States. American research on Yemeni missiles shows that Ansarullah missiles have the power to carry the conflict into the territory of the (Saudi) coalition countries. In fact, it is possible for Ansarullah to target the infrastructure of the UAE and Saudi Arabia, or to fire missiles at, for example, the “port of Eilat” in order to cause trouble for the Zionist regime, which is an accomplice of the aggressors.

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There is great concern for Washington that the United States and its allies in the region will not be able to find a suitable shield against Yemen’s missile activities, and that the scope of the conflict will become more sensitive and broader. Also, other components of the resistance will be able to show their growing power to the United States and its allies by entering into this confrontation.

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