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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hamas spokesman: The heroes of the “Tunnel of Freedom” battle shattered the Zionists

A spokesman for the Hamas movement stated in a speech: The prisoners of war, the heroes of the “Freedom Tunnel” battle, escaped from the “Jalboo” prison and broke the terror of the Zionists and showed their security incompetence.

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, quoting Palestine Al-Youm, “The heroes of the” Freedom Tunnel “battle managed to break the terror of the Zionist regime,” said Fawzi Barhoum, a spokesman for the Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement.

According to the report, the six captive heroes of the Azadi Tunnel battle escaped from prison to question the security system of the Zionist regime and showed the security incompetence of this regime. The fact that two of them have been arrested does not change the fact. We continue to support the Palestinian prisoners.

Brahum added: The great intifada against the Zionist regime will continue in support of the Palestinian prisoners throughout the occupied territories. The Palestinian people will not stop supporting their captives.

Yesterday, Al-Akhbar newspaper quoted a leader of the Palestinian Authority as saying that senior officials of the organization had agreed to cooperate with the Zionist regime in finding the fugitive prisoners. The newspaper noted that Palestinian Authority officials believe that the escalation of the situation in the West Bank is not in their interest at all.

It should be noted that the escape of Palestinian prisoners was followed by various reactions. In this regard, the Islamic Jihad movement stressed that the operation to escape the prisoners is a heroic operation that is a major blow to the security institutions of the Zionist regime and a strong blow to the army and political structure of the occupying Zionist regime.

The movement stated that the coincidence of this heroic operation with the strong blow received by the Zionist enemy on the Gaza border shows the defeat and inability of this regime more than before.

On the other hand, the Hamas movement also stressed that the escape of six prisoners, despite all security obstacles, is a courageous and heroic act. This victory posed a real challenge to the Zionist security institutions, which considered themselves invincible.

The movement stated that this victory proved that the Zionist enemy, despite all the possibilities at its disposal, will never win.

A Hamas spokesman said the heroic operation proved that the Palestinian people’s struggle for freedom continues, even inside prisons, and will not stop.

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