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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Consultation between Riyadh and Paris about Syria

Pak Sahafat – The French Ambassador to Syria met and talked with the Minister of Foreign Affairs during a trip to Riyadh.

According to the report of the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, “Brigitte Kormy”, the French ambassador to Syria, met with “Adel al-Jubeir”, the advisory minister of foreign affairs of Saudi Arabia, and discussed the developments in Syria.

The Saudi News Agency reported that the two sides discussed the developments in Syria and international movements in this regard.

The two sides also exchanged views on issues of common interest.

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Speculation about the mediation of the UAE between Saudi Arabia and Syria

According to “Al-Khalij Online” website, this meeting was held while the UAE-Turkey relationship with the Syrian government continues under the supervision of Russia, and according to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he will soon meet with Syrian President Bashar Assad with the aim of “Peacemaking” review will meet.

On the other hand, Turkish Defense Minister Halusi Akar expressed hope that the talks between Ankara and Damascus will help to establish peace and stability in the region.

Anatolia news agency reported after the meeting of the Turkish government, quoting Akar: “Negotiations with the Syrian side after 11 years of cutting off relations are an expression of goodwill and for establishing peace in the region.”

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