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Friday, September 20, 2024

CNBC USA: Saudi Arabia is funding a digital news platform aimed at the White House and Congress

Cold relations developed between the United States and Saudi Arabia after Joe Biden entered the White House and, unlike former President Donald Trump’s crown prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Given the large number of rivals of the royal family and the “neutralization and alienation” of the US government, by adopting a different foreign policy, he knows that it should not last long, so he is trying to establish so-called “pressure groups in Washington.

The website of the American channel “CNBC” revealed: Riyadh is financing a huge digital news platform (about which nothing has been announced yet) that will have its studio in Washington. As Saudi Arabia launches new pressure efforts targeting the White House and Congress.

According to a new foreign lobbyist submitted to the Ministry of Justice, the new effort (not yet reported) is backed by a subsidiary of the Saudi Technology Development and Investment Company.

The report states: The journalists and presenters participating in this project have previous experience with Fox News, Al Jazeera, NBC and SiriusXM.

The creation of what one document calls a “news platform” comes as Saudi Arabia begins to nominate a new team of “expensive lobbyists” as the Saudis seek the government of President Joe Biden and Congress.

The move comes almost three years after the death of Washington Post journalist and critic of the Saudi royal family, Jamal Khashgeji.

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