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Friday, September 20, 2024

Bin Salman examined the Saudi princes under a magnifying glass

Saudi diplomatic sources said that Muhammad bin Salman had severely restricted the movements of princes for fear of possible action against them.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, Saudi diplomatic sources have revealed that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has restricted most of the ruling prince’s movements for fear of possible actions by Saudi princes.

The sources told Saudi Leaks that most Saudi princes have been banned from traveling outside of Saudi Arabia by royal decree. Any travel of the princes is done with the personal approval of Muhammad bin Salman and most of the requests for business travel, tourism or even treatment are rejected.

According to these sources, bin Salman insults the Saudi princes; because it limits their presence in various parties and ceremonies inside Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, diplomatic sources said that Saudi Arabia is witnessing an alliance between Saudi princes and those who are dissatisfied with Muhammad bin Salman and his policies and want to prevent him from reaching the throne. Confidential contacts between the princes and religious scholars have begun to take action against Muhammad ibn Salman.

Observers unanimously believe that if the Saudi princes do not take action to oust the young and tyrannical prince as soon as possible, they will face more serious challenges after the death of King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia and will have to wait for tougher action from Muhammad Bin Salman.

Read more: Legal document: 70,000 activists and princes are banned from traveling in Saudi Arabia: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=20001

Last month, Saudi opposition writer Madawi al-Rasheed said in a report on the British website Middle East I that a dispute within the Saudi royal family could prevent the Saudi crown prince from ascending the throne.

The biggest nightmare of the Saudi Crown Prince is internal opposition within the Al Saud dynasty. It is not clear whether he had an agreement from the royal family to confirm him as the future king; because this young prince acted cruelly in eliminating the rivals of his royal family.

The young Saudi Crown Prince made many changes in the nature of the Saudi government despite the opposition and critics, and this caused the dissatisfaction of many missionaries and clerics. Saudi princes feel that in order to oust bin Salman, they can count on those dissident missionaries whose actions in the Saudi Crown Prince have diminished their role in society.

The Saudi princes also see the high number of unemployed youth, high inflation, high taxes and livelihood problems in Saudi Arabia as a prelude to a civil uprising against the Saudi Crown Prince.

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