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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Atwan: The recent attacks are Ansarullah’s strategy to break the siege of Yemen

Pak Sahafat – Abdul Bari Atwan described the recent Yemeni attacks on Saudi Arabia as “a new strategy by Ansarullah to break the siege imposed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE against the country.”

In his editorial today (Saturday), Atwan, the editor-in-chief of the Rai Al-Youm newspaper, referred to three missile and drone strikes by Yemeni forces in less than 10 days against Aramco oil facilities and vital centers in Jeddah, Riyadh, Ras al-Tanura, Rabieh and Jizan and Najran. Located in southern Saudi Arabia, he noted: Yad attacks

In the first place, it has a negative impact on the export of oil to its consumers in the Western world, and in the second place, it will increase the price of oil, which will have a negative impact on the world economy and will drag the war into the homes of Saudi citizens.

Abdul Bari, a prominent Arab political analyst, described the Yemeni war as a “major strategic mistake” that Saudi Arabia has trapped and left 370,000 defenseless and innocent Yemeni citizens dead. More than a million people lost their lives and were injured in this country.

Referring to the entry of the Yemeni war in its eighth year, which began on April 26, 2015, the editor-in-chief of Rai Al-Youm stated that the Saudi attacks have so far failed to bring back the government of ousted Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, and that Riyadh has so far Dictate your wishes

The Ansarullah movement and its allies have failed, but on the contrary, it has made the Ansarullah movement stronger and stronger, so that with the exception of the besieged province, most of the northern provinces of Yemen have been handed over to the Ansarullah forces.

Read more:

Saudi Arabia and the eighth year of the invasion of Yemen; The game lost two heads and the story of falling from the hole to the well

Atwan pointed out: The current Saudi leaders, who ignited the war with airstrikes against Yemeni cities, targeting weddings, funerals, hospitals and markets, mistakenly imagined that within two or three months, May can achieve their goals, because they did not know the history of this country correctly and they did not know that Yemen has always defeated its enemies for at least the last eight thousand years, and whoever attacked Yemen has failed.

Referring to Ansarullah’s missile and drone strikes on Saudi water desalination plants, he noted: “Currently, more than 25 million Saudi citizens are at risk of dehydration and thirst.”

Atwan emphasized: The new equation proves that with the war entering its eighth year, the Yemeni people are not alone facing hunger and shortages of water, electricity and public services, but also their Saudi counterpart, who lives in prosperity, security and stability.

Accordingly, the editor-in-chief of Rai Al-Youm predicted that Ansarullah missile attacks against Saudi vital centers would continue and that it would open new targets in Saudi territory as its territory expands.

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