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Atwan examines: New equations of the Yemeni war and the apparent despair of Saudi Arabia / Bin Salman’s reign and the siege of his father

In his new article, Atwan attributed the claims of the Saudi aggression coalition against Iran and Hezbollah to Saudi anger and frustration over its successive defeats in the Yemeni war.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, in his new article, Abdul Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of the Rai Al-Youm newspaper and a prominent analyst in the Arab world, examines recent developments in the Yemeni war and says that the content of two recent press conferences by military spokespersons on both sides of the Yemeni war marks the beginning of a new era. The two sides also drew a new map for the war and the equations of strength and weakness in the New Year, which show the new rules of conflict.

Atwan added: Turki al-Maliki, a spokesman for the Saudi-led Arab aggression coalition, showed reporters video footage at a recent news conference, claiming that Hezbollah was training Ansarullah forces to launch drones. He also claimed that Sanaa’s civilian airport had become a military base for anti-Saudi missile strikes.

Atwan added in his article: On the other hand, Yahya Sari, a spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces, revealed that Ansarullah forces had launched a large-scale offensive in al-Jawf province, near the southern border with Saudi Arabia, and had taken control of much of the province. He also threatened that in the next phase, an advanced military operation would be carried out inside the Saudi borders.

Atwan continued his article by emphasizing that after a careful re-reading of the two press conferences of the Saudi and Yemeni sides, several main conclusions can be reached:

Anger and frustration were evident in the remarks of the spokesman of the Saudi coalition, mentioning the numbers of ballistic missiles and drones that have so far targeted sensitive positions in Saudi Arabia and its oil facilities.

Saudi Arabia’s attempt to accuse Hezbollah and Iran in the Yemeni war was clear from what Turki al-Maliki said, indicating that the Saudis intend to enter into any future war that the Zionist regime and the United States intend to launch in the area.

A spokesman for the Saudi aggression coalition said he was trying to persuade Saudi public opinion to enter such a war so that Saudi Arabia could open its airspace to Zionist planes to attack resistance positions.

Under these circumstances, the axis of resistance led by Iran will certainly respond to the aggression of the occupying regime, in which case Saudi Arabia will have the opportunity to provoke its allies in Lebanon to drag Hezbollah into a civil war; Especially since the Saudi ambassador has not returned to Beirut so far and the Saudi-Lebanese relations are still tense.

Al-Maliki’s Turkish threats to lift civilian immunity and his claims that the area will be used as a platform for Ansar al-Islam to launch missiles and drones and store the movement’s weapons mean that Saudi airstrikes on Yemen are in their infancy. Thus, thousands of civilians will be massacred as a result of the bombing of Yemeni civilian positions by the invading Saudi coalition. Since the beginning of the war, 570,000 Yemeni civilians have been killed and three times as many wounded.

The allegations of the spokesman of the Saudi aggressor coalition indicate that Saudi Arabia is desperately trying to acquit itself of the crimes of bombing the civilian airport of Sanaa; under the pretext that this airport has become a military base for Ansarullah missile attacks against Saudi Arabia.

The allegations come as Sanaa Airport is home to international organizations and their representatives, and the use of the airport is limited to the airport’s own aircraft. Also, the organizations present at the airport and their representatives have never talked about launching missiles or UAVs from this airport. In addition, the Ansarullah movement does not need an airport to launch its missiles and drones, and can easily carry out these operations from mountainous areas bordering Saudi Arabia.

Read more: Atwan: Is the joint agreement between Jordan, the UAE and Israel the first step in implementing the “deal of the century”?: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=15969

Yahya Sari’s words about the completion of Ansarullah’s control over Al-Jawf province and its adjacent areas near the Saudi border and the readiness to start a new phase, the most prominent of which is the start of advanced operations in Saudi cities, mean that the next phase of battles will be located to the Jizan border is Najran. And Asir, as well as Saudi Arabia’s economic and oil facilities, which may lead to a wave of migration of Saudi citizens to safer areas in the north of the country.

On the other hand, the spokesman of the Saudi aggressor coalition again made other false accusations against Iran and Hezbollah regarding their direct role in the Yemeni war. Earlier, Saudi Arabia’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations, Abdullah al-Moallem, launched a crackdown on Syria and President Bashar al-Assad.

Abdul Bari Atwan further clarified, all of this indicates the possibility of a sudden coup d’etat by Saudi Arabia in the face of resistance to the Axis of Resistance, which, in addition to US-Zionist orders to put pressure on Iran before the fifth round of talks between Tehran and Riyadh in Baghdad in the next few days.

According to the report, Saudi Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman several years ago sought a quick victory for himself as Saudi ruler in the Yemeni war. Even now, according to Western media reports, bin Salman intends to introduce himself as the new king of Saudi Arabia after the gradual expulsion of his father, King Salman, and his house siege in the coastal city of Naum, north of the Red Sea.

Atwan concluded that bin Salman’s first adventure, launching the war in Yemen in 2015, had the opposite effect, engaging Saudi Arabia in a war of attrition at the material and political level without any gains. Will the results of this adventure be different in the next stage? The developments in the Yemeni war in the new year will determine everything, but it does not seem to be a pleasant event for Saudi Arabia. In the New Year, it seems that there will be many surprises from Ansarullah for the Saudi coalition.

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