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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Assad in the first meeting with the new Syrian cabinet: we should not go back

The Syrian president stressed that the country’s priority in the previous phase was to achieve security and reclaim the country’s territory, but in this phase, the priority is production.

According to the official Syrian news agency (SANA), Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said during a government meeting: The missions are many and the responsibilities are great, and success lies in the ability to see reality in all its details. People say we hope the situation will return to normal, but this is not allowed for the government. The government should not go back to before the war, but should move it to where it is today. Conditions do not allow us to do this in all areas, so we need to identify areas. This is possible by reforming the government or reforming government institutions. Reforms began and continue during the war.

He said: The priority in the previous stage was to retake the country and provide security, but the current priority is production and job opportunities. Security was necessary to start production, but today production is necessary to maintain stability, especially after the liberation of a large part of Syrian territory from terrorists.

On the importance of participation, Assad said: The idea of ​​participation is important for success. Transparency must be a fundamental principle in our work. Economic reform is not possible without financial reform. Financial reform is not possible without tax reform. The success or promotion of the tax system and the improvement of the level of institutions will help us to achieve the main goal, which is tax justice and the fight against tax evasion. Tax evasion is a huge gap in the Syrian economy.

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