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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Abbas: The Zionist regime does not adhere to any commitment

The head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, on Tuesday described the recent compromise agreements between the occupying regime and a number of Arab countries as an illusion that peace will not be achieved in the region.

Abbas said in a recorded speech at a scientific conference at the Quds Virtual University in Ramallah although we accepted a painful settlement, recognized Israel and signed the Oslo Accords, but Israel violated all agreements and continued to steal land and build settlements.

Abbas said it was clear to everyone that compromise agreements were an illusion that would not succeed.

He added: Peace and security will be achieved only with the end of the occupation and the enjoyment of freedom, independence and a state with the capital of Jerusalem as the Palestinian people.

Abbas said in this conference: “The world is now seeing the true face of Israel, an occupier and racist state. I am sure that the researchers and participants in this meeting will play an important role in explaining the true myths and false narratives of this Zionist plan; it is a plan made and implemented by Western countries with purely colonial aims.”

Abbas’s remarks come as the new foreign minister of the occupying regime, Yair Labid, opened his embassy in the UAE, saying “Israel wants peace with all its neighbors and we will stay in the Middle East.”

Abbas accused Western colonial powers in the 19th and 20th centuries of planting “Israel” in the Middle East, and said: “They plotted to plant Israel as a foreign body in the area, and they carried out their plans and spent property to dismantle the area and keep it weak. The colonial powers organized Jewish immigration to Palestine in the 19th and 20th centuries after the Belfort Treaty.

Abbas added: “They passed Resolution 181, the same plan as the partition of Palestine, in 1947, recognizing and supporting Israel, an issue that led to the emigration of more than half of the original Palestinian owners, and now they have become 6.5 million refugees in the world.”

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