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Afghan experts: The United States is committing crimes under the guise of human rights in Afghanistan

A number of experts, political leaders, parliamentarians and university professors attended a 20-year review of American Human Rights and Democracy in Afghanistan, saying that over the past two decades, the United States and NATO have turned Afghanistan into a burning hell and are committing crimes under the guise of human rights.

Participants in the webinar stated that the Americans, by creating and supporting terrorist groups, especially ISIS, spread corruption, prostitution, and the widespread cultivation and trafficking of narcotics in the country, so that now more than 80% of the world’s narcotics in Afghanistan is produced.

Seyyed Issa Hosseini Mazari; The director general of the Tebyan Center for Social and Cultural Activities said in a webinar on 20 years of American human rights and democracy in Afghanistan on the occasion of the third anniversary of the martyrdom of Dr. Seyed Mohammad Ali Shah Mousavi Gardizi, referring to the characteristics of this martyr, said that today, American crimes in Afghanistan and other Islamic and non-Islamic countries are committed under the guise of human rights, and our people need to know the true face of America.

He said the violent arrest of Dr. Mousavi Gardizi by US forces further underscores the nature of American human rights.

Referring to US crimes against humanity in Afghanistan, Mazari stressed that the Afghan people need to know the true face of the United States.

20 years of American crime in Afghanistan

Gholam-Hossein Naseri, a member of the Afghan House of Representatives, said in a webinar on 20 years of American human rights and democracy in Afghanistan: Thanks to 20 years of US and NATO presence, Afghanistan has become a burning hell, terrorism has not been eradicated, and drug cultivation and trafficking have not been reduced.

Dr. Akram Arefi; The university professor and political analyst also said: During its two decades in Afghanistan, the United States has committed human rights abuses and war crimes in the country.

He said that during this period, a large number of ordinary people in Afghanistan lost their lives due to the bombing of American fighters.

“Mohammad Hassan Jafari” Secretary General of the National Welfare Party of Afghanistan also said in this webinar: The Americans have devastated Afghanistan, and in addition, US proxy groups are still present in Afghanistan.

He stated: The United States has backed the Taliban, ISIS and other terrorist groups, according to former US leaders Clinton and Trump.

Production of 86% of the world’s narcotics in Afghanistan

The Secretary General of the Afghan National Welfare Party said that today 80 to 86 percent of the world’s narcotics are produced in Afghanistan.

He stressed that the United States is not only in the direction of nationalization; Rather, it has failed in all areas, and today the objective realities of Afghanistan are different from what the Westerners claimed.

Sayed Jamal Fakuri Beheshti, another member of the Afghan House of Representatives, also said that the people of Afghanistan were very optimistic about the American slogans and the goals it had set, such as the fight against terrorism, good governance, the fight against drugs, the defense of human rights, women’s rights, civil rights, and civilization and nation-building; But unfortunately, when the US presence was established, they did not pay attention to any of the set goals or they never achieved them.

The role of the United States in the war and the promotion of corruption in Afghanistan

Maulvi Mofleh, head of the Islamic Movement of Afghanistan, also said that the presence of Americans in Afghanistan has caused war, corruption, prostitution and denial in Afghanistan.

He said that in addition to the United States, inefficient leaders and the games of arrogant countries also played a role in promoting corruption.

American human rights tool to achieve its goals

Dr. Abdul Latif Nazari; The university professor also said in a webinar examining 20 years of human rights and American democracy in Afghanistan that the Americans did not come to Afghanistan to build a nation, and the US goal was to monitor countries in the region, especially US rivals, including China, Russia, and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He added: The United States uses Afghanistan to achieve its strategic goals by covering freedom of expression, human rights, nation-building, and assistance to the media.

Seyed Mohammad Mojtaba Mousavi; The son of martyr Mousavi Gardizi also said in this webinar: Although my father was accepted to Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2001; But he preferred to build his homeland and returned to Afghanistan.

He added: My father thought that American democracy and human rights were real and that change was going to happen; but this dream did not last more than a year.

He stated that Martyr Mousavi was trying to expose the evil nature of American forces to the people by raising awareness and enlightenment.

Seyed Saleh Sadr; Kabul scholars also said in this webinar: The scope of Mousavi Gardizi’s jihad was not limited to the geography of Afghanistan; they also worked outside the country for their own ends.

According to him, Martyr Gardizi is one of the martyrs who were martyred in the mosque and Hosseiniyah, and this grace does not belong to everyone.

Azizullah Yousefi; A close friend of Martyr Mousavi Gardizi also stated in this webinar: Martyr Gardizi was arrested by the Americans at his home after a trip to Mecca, where he was tortured for a time in Bagram and then transferred to Guantanamo, where he was subjected to all kinds of mental and physical torture for four years and we saw its effects in him.

This webinar coincides with the withdrawal of US and NATO troops from Afghanistan and on the occasion of the third anniversary of the martyrdom of Dr. Seyed Mohammad Ali Shah Mousavi Gardizi; The Innocent Prisoner at Guantanamo Bay was held on Monday in the presence of Mousavi Gardizi’s family members, peers and friends, as well as political leaders and parties, members of parliament and university professors by the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and the Dr. Mousavi Gardizi Martyr Foundation.

Martyr Dr. Mousavi Gardizi was martyred on August 3, 2018 in a suicide attack by ISIS along with more than 30 other worshipers in Gardez, the capital of Paktia province. Martyr Gardizi was brutally captured in a night raid by American forces on August 13, 2002, and was held for 40 months, especially at Guantanamo Bay.

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