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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Erdogan: Investigations into the cause of the fires continue in various parts of Turkey

The Turkish president said that investigations into the cause of the fires in various parts of the country are continuing vigorously.

According to Anatoly, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said after Friday prayers at the Escudar Grand Mosque in Istanbul regarding the recent fires in some parts of the country: Investigations into the cause of the fires are ongoing in various parts of the country.

“Investigations have been launched into whether the fires were intentional or not,” he said: Necessary activities to control the fires are being carried out by 45 helicopters.

The President of Turkey also stated: As of today, the number of firefighting aircraft has increased to 5-6, including aircraft purchased from Russia and Ukraine.

Erdogan said: As a result of the negotiations we have held, Azerbaijan will send another aircraft and the number of aircraft will increase. Fighting forest fires continues. We have seen 71 cases of forest fires, of which we have contained 57. 14 Forest fires are now almost under control.

He stressed the government’s support for the victims of the incident.

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