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Friday, September 20, 2024

Athletes refuse to play with Zionist regime

Athletes’ refusal to confront the Zionist regime’s athletes, which is seen as a global hatred of the regime and preventing legitimacy for the Zionists, has become a nightmare for Tel Aviv.

Algerian judoka Fathi Nourin on Thursday withdrew from the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics to express solidarity with Palestine and oppose normalization of relations with the Zionist regime.

Fathi Nourin after not facing Israeli athlete Tohar Botbol in the second round of the tournament, announced: He withdrew from the Olympics in the 73 kg weight category. He announced on Algerian television on Thursday that he had decided not to participate in the Olympics so as not to have to face an Israeli opponent in one part of the table.

This famous Algerian judoka was one of the main contenders for the championship, but she chose to be the voice of the Palestinian people and not to play against the representative of the Zionist regime. This action of the Algerian judoka in cyberspace was met with a great response from the users and many praised and thanked Fathi Nourin.

Although the Zionist regime started normalizing relations with some Arab countries, especially Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, from the very beginning of normalization in terms of security and political structure, it was believed that hiding such relations could not legitimize the regime among world public opinion and could not reduce public hatred of the actions of the Zionist regime. In particular, these relations remain secret and the scope of their influence on the political and security structure of the Arab countries is limited.

Thus, in recent years, especially during the presidency of Donald Trump, who was the main architect of the hasty plans of the Century deal and the annexation of the West Bank, as well as the formalization of Zionist relations with the Arabs, the issue of legitimizing the Zionist regime through publicizing normalization Relations with the Zionist regime intensified.

Although the countries that pioneered normalization with the Zionist regime did not have the historical depth of history of national authority and popular support, it was a good start and trial and error for the Americans and the Zionist regime.

The United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain were a good start for the public normalization of the Zionist regime because they were deeply Arab and not even Islamic, and there was no possibility of the slightest resistance from these communities due to their demographic composition and political structure.

Aside from the security and political level, the Israelis embarked on an easier path to legitimizing public opinion and reducing global hatred of Israel. One case was the holding of cultural, artistic and tourism festivals in the UAE and several Arab countries and the connections between them and the Zionist regime.

Another case was the provision of grounds for the presence of Israeli athletes on Arab sports fields, which was highlighted in recent years by the presence of Israeli judokas in the UAE and their horsemen in Qatar.

Especially when the former Minister of Sports of the Zionist regime, who was previously the Minister of Tourism, attended a championship ceremony of judo athletes while the anthem of the Zionist regime was being played to influence public opinion.

It was thought that this movement and haste in the political process to formalize and normalize normalization with the Zionist regime could reduce the pressure and hatred of Israel enough and start the ground for the Zionist regime’s sympathy and sympathy with the Arab world.

However, several moves took place after these events, which showed that although the official and security structures of the Arab countries are seeking the process of normalization with the Zionist regime, the Arab and Muslim nations are not willing to accept this issue.

Several Arab and Muslim athletes, especially some athletes whose political structure and governments had such a relationship with the Zionist regime, in a unique move withdrew from confronting the Zionist athletes, and this issue became very costly for Israel.

The recent issue was the refusal of the Algerian athlete to face an Israeli athlete, which can be described as a sports resistance. An action that will increase the global hatred of the Zionist regime. Of course, the history of Islamic and Arab countries is not inferior to the athletes who stood against the Zionist regime and its actions in various fields. Players like Abu Tariqa wore the Gaza resistance on his shirt during the 28-day Gaza war.

The same can be seen in the field of cultural normalization in the UAE, especially since the Israelis in recent years have tried to use the UAE as a hub to become the center of cultural and literary festivals with the approach of normalizing relations with the Zionist regime and legitimizing it.

The point was that one of Tehran’s sports priorities was not to face the Zionist regime’s athletes in various fields. However, these humane and fair approaches of the Islamic Republic faced pressure from the Israelis and some Arab countries, to the point that they turned to sanctions on some sports in Iran.

However, events in recent years show that an increase in awareness and understanding among athletes as well as Arab writers at the cultural level has been created to resist the Zionist regime, as in the case of the 12-day war in Gaza, a number of Arab writers who were invited to Dubai festivals withdrew from these festivals.

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