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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Intensifying clashes between Saudis and UAE mercenaries in Yemen’s “Socotra”

Informed sources report the escalation of the power struggle between the Saudi forces and the UAE-affiliated militias in the archipelago of Socotra in Yemen.

A well-informed Yemeni source reported intense tensions between Saudi forces and militants from the UAE-affiliated Southern Transitional Council (Southern Transitional Council) in the Socotra archipelago near the Indian Ocean near the Gulf of Aden.

In an exclusive interview with “Arabi 21” news site, this informed source said: “Since Saturday (yesterday – July 17), tensions between Saudi forces in Socotra, where they are based in 2018, and forces of the Southern Transitional Council have reached a point where pro-UAE forces have described Saudi Arabia as an aggressor. The description used by the Houthis for the military coalition that Riyadh has been leading for years.”

He, who did not want to be named, said: “An armed group affiliated with the Transitional Council attacked and shot at a Saudi hospital in Socotra in recent days. This was done in the light of the widespread provocations of the commanders and leaders of the Transitional Council under the auspices of Abu Dhabi against the Saudi forces.”

According to the source, the armed group, whose members are said to be drug users, went to the Saudi hospital in Socotra every night to receive pills they described as “quality pills”, which were opposed.

The archipelago of Socotra consists of six islands, which until the end of 2013 were part of the province of Hadhramaut in eastern Yemen, but this year became a province called the “archipelago of Socotra” by the order of ousted Yemeni President Abd al-Mansour Hadi.

He added that at the request of the Saudis, the gunmen opened fire on the hospital, although the attack did not cause any casualties.

According to this informed source, the UAE, through the Transitional Council and forces close to it in Socotra, is inciting against Saudi forces. Since the expulsion of local forces affiliated with the resigned Yemeni government in June 2020, power in Socotra has been divided between the Transitional Council and Saudi forces.

Since last June, Abu Dhabi-backed Transitional Council militants have taken control of the city of Hadibu, the capital of Socotra province, and ousted all local officials after limited clashes with forces of the resigned Yemeni government.

On the other hand, the southern provinces of Yemen, including Aden, which is known as the interim capital of the resigned Yemeni government, are witnessing an escalation of clashes against the forces of this government.

The latest development by the Transitional Council forces is the attack on the government building of the Oil Company in Aden, which is now under the control of these forces.

Earlier, forces of the Transitional Council attacked the headquarters of the Aden Economic Organization affiliated with the resigned Ministry of Defense.

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