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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Saad Hariri’s tactic for resignation and the dangerous US plan against Lebanon

A prominent Lebanese analyst in an article examined Saad Hariri’s mechanism for resigning and his motives for doing so.

Amin Mohammad Hatit, an expert and analyst on strategic affairs in the region, published an article in the Lebanese newspaper Al-Banna on the resignation of Saad Hariri from the mission to form a government in Lebanon, when Saad Hariri formally and directly announced his readiness for the next Lebanese prime minister after the resignation of Hassan Diab’s government and the defeat of the Lebanese ambassador to Germany Mustafa Adib in the government formation mission, he thought that the conditions for him are very favorable and his allies at home and abroad are ready to help him form a government in Lebanon and return to power.

He also thought that by proposing the formation of a technocratic government without the presence of political parties, he could restore his family relationship with Saudi Arabia. But Saad Hariri’s calculations involved complex situations both inside and outside. At home, Saad Hariri faced the tough stance of the president and his allies, who refused to give in to US economic pressure and siege. The presidential team has also refused to hand over the country to Saad Hariri at any cost, so that Lebanon will be governed according to the positions and wishes of foreigners and enemies. Meanwhile, Lebanese President Michel Aoun adhered to the provisions of the constitution on the formation of a government, which gave him the right to take an active part in the process.

The failure of Saad Hariri’s calculations led him to stage a coup against the Presidential Pact and impose an unacceptable condition on the nomination of future cabinet ministers. The main strategy of the head of Al-Mustaqbal movement was to waste time and travel abroad. In fact, during his nine-month mission to form a government and keep the country in a state of uncertainty, Hariri acted more like a tourist and was constantly transferred from one country to another; At a time when the Lebanese are experiencing a terrible economic situation and the price of each dollar has reached 20,000 lira.

The only goal of Saad Hariri in this political tourism, in addition to personal interests, was to satisfy Saudi Arabia, and during this time, it violated all the provisions of the constitution in forming the cabinet. In fact, Saad Hariri took advantage of the political situation inside Lebanon, where some officials believed that no one better than him was suitable for the future Lebanese Prime Minister, and used the mission to form a cabinet as a lever to blackmail at the expense of Lebanese national interests and society.

On the other hand, Saad Hariri’s actions in line with the implementation of the five-step plan of “Mike Pompeo”, the Secretary of State of the former US President Donald Trump, was against Lebanon and depicted another form of US siege. Finally, Saad Hariri, under the pretext of forming a government of salvation, handed over a list of cabinet members and its structure to the president, which was completely different from previous agreements, and thus Michel Aoun was faced with a choice between two bad and worse options.

Deciding on these issues was not an easy task for Michelle Aoun. In general, everyone saw what Hariri did at the last minute, handing over a list of ministers and an anonymous structure to the president and giving him a 24-hour deadline to express his views, a trap for the presidential team and an ambush for the president; In such a way that Saad Hariri will create an atmosphere through which he will introduce himself as a hero among the Lebanese people and who resigned to prevent the collapse of the country. In fact, Hariri was waiting for Michel Aoun to reject his terms in order to announce his resignation with ease.

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