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Friday, September 20, 2024

Bahraini human rights activist goes on hunger strike in Manama Joo prison

The American Organization for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) issued a statement adding: The simplest rights of prisoners are being violated in the Joo prison in Manama, the capital of Bahrain.

The statement noted: The officer confiscated the research conducted by Al-Sankis, who had spent four years writing it, and has been negligent in returning it for four months.

The officer in charge of Joe Prison also refuses to comply with Abdul Jalil al-Sankis’ demands to make telephone calls and meet urgent and urgent needs.

Dr. Abdul Jalil al-Sankis, a Bahraini university graduate and human rights activist and blogger until 2011, was arrested for participating in the protests, according to the organization.

He is a member of the “Bahrain 13” group, which includes political leaders. They were also arrested in 2011 for their role in the Bahraini democratic movement. Al-Sankis has been sentenced to life in prison for trying to overthrow the government.

The organization condemned the violation of al-Sankis’ rights, which led to his hunger strike. He suffers from complications of anemia and shortness of breath.

The organization noted; Human rights abuses in Joe Prison have doubled since March, when coronary heart disease spread among inmates as a result of the prison administration’s failure to address prisoners’ health and medical issues.

This is not the first time Al-Sankis has gone on a hunger strike to protest the mistreatment and deprivation of the simplest rights of prisoners, but he has done so many times. He went on a hunger strike on March 21, 2015, in protest of the mass punishment and torture and insults of prison guards, as well as the deteriorating general situation.

Human rights activists and organizations, including the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and some representatives in Italy and Ireland, issued statements condemning the actions of Bahraini authorities against political activists and human rights defenders.

Martha Hortado, spokeswoman for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, condemned the Bahraini police force’s use of force to break up a peaceful sit-in at the Bahraini prison on April 17.

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