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Saturday, September 21, 2024

America; Escape from Afghanistan

Twenty years after the start of America’s most humiliating contemporary war as a result of the invasion of Afghanistan, and the scandal for the Americans was even greater than the Vietnam War, they are now even considering evacuating their embassy in Kabul after leaving their largest military base in Bagram.

The American Wall Street Journal wrote about this: The United States is planning an “emergency evacuation” from Afghanistan due to security concerns; US officials are considering evacuating their embassy in Kabul due to the deteriorating security situation in the country.

The American publication continued: US officials have stepped up the emergency evacuation of the US embassy in Kabul amid fears that the security situation in Afghanistan could worsen, which could endanger the remnants of US troops, diplomats and other personnel.

The report adds: The withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan has begun, and the Pentagon has announced that the withdrawal operation will be completed by the end of August. .

The evacuation will not only involve US embassy personnel, thousands of Americans will flee

The Wall Street Journal continued: The plan to evacuate the US embassy in Kabul comes amid growing concerns about the inability and defeat of US and Afghan security forces currently guarding the area against Taliban forces.

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This American publication wrote: The evacuation will not only involve hundreds of staff at the US embassy in Kabul, but also thousands of Americans on Afghan soil.

According to IRNA from the Kabul office, after 20 years of tumultuous presence in Afghanistan, the US military left its largest military base called “Bagram” on Friday to record the record of 20 years of its presence in this base.

US troops leave Afghanistan amid growing Taliban advance in Afghan cities, and even Scott Miller, commander of US forces in Afghanistan, warned of a civil war in Kabul two days ago.

Leaving Afghanistan, the Americans brought more than 20 terrorist groups from around the world to the country and inherited them, bringing a bleak and dark future for Afghans.

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