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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Can the United States get the border triangle out of the hands of the Al Hashd Al Shabi with its crimes?

The new United States aggression coincided with a “new dinner” meeting in Baghdad attended by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Jordan’s King Abdullah II and Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi; it is as if US President Joe Biden says he is drawing up the plans for the region and the plans for the new dinner.

Observers say the United States is well aware that its plans and projects in Syria and Iraq have failed. Therefore, it must create permanent chaos in the region. The intensification of the Biden government’s attacks on Iraq and Syria has two strategic and tactical dimensions.

Observers stressed that the US dimension in the 21st century should be considered for strategic consideration; The Zionist regime failed in its duties and became a burden on the US government; Hence, the Americans put a decision on the agenda a long time ago; This is the decision of Greater Kurdistan, which should connect Jordan to the Persian Gulf (the location of American bases) and then to Turkey (Ingerlic base).

Observers stated that the border triangle between Syria and Iraq is a pivotal strategic point and the heart of the world. The United States is trying to control the strategic border triangle, either through ISIS or the Kurds. The establishment of what is called the “Arab NATO” or other alliances is in line with this American project.

On the other hand, some leaders of the Al Hashd Al Shabi stated that the United States has committed a terrorist crime against the Iraqi government and martyred fighters of the Al Hashd Al Shabi in the Al-Qaim border area.

The leaders of the Al Hashd Al Shabi added: American crime violated all international treaties; However, the media portrayed it differently. The Al Hashd Al Shabi is directly targeted by the Americans and a real response must be given to these aggressions; setting a specific time for the withdrawal of the American occupying forces from Iraq is the least response that can be given to these crimes.

They stated that the battalions of Sayyid al-Shuhada, which were targeted by the United States; They will give practical and field answers. This is a famous deterrent deal with the Sayyid al-Shuhada battalions; they will never allow the blood of the martyrs who defended the country to be wasted and the murderer must be punished by the Iraqis.

Al Hashd leaders explain that the United States wants to use these attacks to create a rift in Iraq’s strong border wall so that more ISIS can enter, so that instability and security collapse can re-emerge in Iraq to pretend to fight terrorism. The United States wants to implement the Afghanistan scenario in Iraq.

They stated that the presence of ISIS pursues political goals, led by the security of the occupying regime. The second is to preserve economic interests and gas fields in Anbar, and the third is to redraw the political map of the region.

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