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Saturday, September 21, 2024

The al-Hashd al-Shabi’s military parade angered United States

This Monday morning, US fighter jets attacked areas in al-Qaim-Bokmal on the Iraqi-Syrian border, killing four al-Hashd al-Shabi fighters. Three civilians were injured and a child was killed in an attack inside Syria.

This brutal American aggression took place after two events: First, the glorious military parade that the al-Hashd al-Shabi held on the occasion of its seventh anniversary, and second, the report by Douglas Suleiman, the former US ambassador to Iraq, addressed to the Biden administration. He said in the report that if they want to protect US interests in Iraq, they must destroy Ayatollah Sistani, the al-Hashd al-Shabi and the Husseini rites.

The day of the popular uprising parade last Saturday, will definitely not be a happy day for the enemies of Iraq, especially since high-ranking political and security figures such as Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi and Faleh al-Fayadh, head of the popular uprising and Juma Anad Iraqi Defense Minister attended the ceremony.

In addition, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, commander-in-chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, told the crowd at the rally: ” Greetings to the children of Iraq, the children of the hero of the popular mobilization on the anniversary of its establishment. The forces of the popular mobilization are the children of the government and they always offer everything that serves our homeland and our people. You and the security forces have defeated terrorism and you have bigger missions ahead of you. With your awakening, order and effort, the popular mobilization will remain stable. With you, Iraq will regain its historical role in the region. “I salute your heroism and the sacrifices of your martyrs and their noble families.”

Undoubtedly, the messages of this ceremony reached the enemies of Iraq quickly, who always tried to incite sedition among the children of the Iraqi people from different tribes and religions through their biased media, and more importantly, they tried to create a rift between the army and the security forces with the popular mobilization forces.

The enemies of Iraq, led by the United States, saw their plans and conspiracies in action, seeing the unity of the Iraqi people, so they saw the only way out as treacherous aggression against the heroes of the popular mobilization that protected the Syrian-Iraqi border.

The second cause of this treacherous US aggression was the report of Douglas Suleiman, the former US ambassador to Iraq, in which he considered the popular uprising and Ayatollah Sistani and the Husseini rites as the biggest obstacles to the US presence in Iraq, which he said was to the detriment of US interests in Iraq.  In this report, he called for the fight against the three mentioned and their elimination!

Douglas, president of the Gulf Arab Institute in Washington stating that strategies to safeguard US interests in Iraq during the Biden era, said: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq are among the largest exporters of oil and fossil fuels in the world. For this reason, these three countries cannot be ignored in regional and international equations. “Iran has severed ties with the United States since 1979.”

 He added in this report: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has peaceful and peaceful relations with the United States and has realized the greatness and power of the United States in global equations. Iraq is a decisive country in balancing forces in the region and portraying the United States as a dominant power in the Middle East. Dominance in Iraq, along with cooperation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is the mainstay of Washington’s influence in the Middle East.

He further wrote: The existence of the popular uprising in recent years has been the biggest obstacle to US interests in Iraq. The complete elimination of the popular uprising in the military, political and social equations by strengthening the legitimate Iraqi army should be the ultimate strategy of the United States. The existence of this group, even without military power, is to the detriment of American interests. “For many years to come, efforts must be made to disarm the popular uprising, destroy its identity, oust its leaders and create a contradiction between the nature of the popular uprising and the future of Iraq.”

Al-Qaim fighters in al-Qaim were responsible for protecting the Iraqi-Syrian border from ISIS and terrorist groups, which the United States claims are leading an international coalition to fight. The US invasion of the popular mobilization showed that Suleiman’s proposal reached the Biden government quickly and used Washington to strike at the mobilization in response to the severe slap in the face from the military parade.

Unfortunately, Suleiman and Biden did not understand that separating the popular mobilization from the Iraqi people is like separating the soul from the body. The popular mobilization forces, which the Iraqi Prime Minister described as the sons of the Iraqi government and guardians, are part of the Iraqi people. They were farmers, workers, employees and merchants who left their farms, factories, offices, universities and schools to obey the fatwas of the authorities to defend Iraq, its sanctuaries and its freedoms. They are not like the armed groups that the United States brought to Iraq with the plan of Israel and the wealth of Saudi Arabia to spread sedition and destruction in its neighborhoods.

Thus, the popular uprising will remain a thorn in America’s side and it will take away its peace as long as it occupies the Holy Land. The United States must leave Iraq sooner or later. This is the demand of the Iraqi people, and no matter how much the United States delays in doing so, it will not change.

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