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Friday, September 20, 2024

3 US goals from blocking websites of resistance

Referring to the three goals of the United States in blocking websites belonging to the Axis of Resistance, the Lebanese strategist said: This action shows that a new sedition is on the way in the region.

Ramin Hossein Abadian: The United States has recently taken a new hostile stance against news outlets affiliated with the Axis of Resistance in the region. In a statement, the US Department of Justice issued a statement banning 33 websites used by the Islamic Broadcasting Union and three websites belonging to Kataeb Hezbollah in Iraq.

The US Department of Justice issued a statement justifying its action, which is a clear violation of freedom of expression, claiming: “The US took action to block various websites in accordance with the law and for violating US sanctions”! Among the websites that the Americans blocked were Al-Alam, Al-Masira, Al-Naba, Al-Furat, Karbala, Al-Lulu, Al-Kawthar, Al-Naeem, and Palestine Al-Yawm. He mentioned “Afaq”, “Al-Ishraq”, “Al-Ma’lumah” and “Al-Masar Al-Awali”.

The Justice Department’s move provoked regional reactions. In this regard, Al-Masira Public Relations issued a statement regarding the recent action of the US government in blocking the site of this network. The statement said: There is no justification for blocking the Al-Masira network site. In this regard, the correspondent of Mehr has arranged an interview with “Amin Hatit”, a prominent Lebanese strategist and analyst, which you can read in detail;

As you know, the US Department of Justice recently issued a statement banning 33 websites used by the Islamic Broadcasting Union and three websites belonging to Kataeb Hezbollah in Iraq. What do you think was the reason or reasons for this hostile decision by Washington?

By blocking websites belonging to the Axis of Resistance in the region, the United States has set three main goals on its agenda. The first goal was to prevent the numerous and strategic defeats of the Americans in the region over the past months from being covered by the resistance media. Americans are well aware that informing public opinion in the region and the world about these failures will have dire consequences for them.

The second goal of the United States is to prepare the ground for the implementation of new strategies in the region. The Americans have devised a number of plans and scenarios to destabilize the various countries in the region, and it is clear that implementing these scenarios will require the media to be silenced in the first place. It seems that a new sedition is coming from the Americans in the region, and they took action to cover up this sedition against the resistance media. On the other hand, the third goal can be traced to the United States’ motive for revenge.

The Americans blocked more than 33 religious and political websites belonging to the Axis of Resistance in the region, constantly chanting slogans such as adherence to “freedom of expression.” Do you think that the recent action of the US Department of Justice does not conflict with the principle of “freedom of expression”?

I must explicitly say that only a fool and an ignorant person can say that the United States of America relies on justice, right and freedom of expression in its policies and strategies. The policies and strategies of the United States are based on only one fixed component: the interests of Washington. In this context, anything that serves the interests of Americans is legitimate.

On the other hand, anything that does not serve the interests of the United States is illegitimate. The various policies and strategies of the United States of America are designed on this basis. The conclusion is that if “freedom of expression” is in the interests of the United States, Washington will support it. Otherwise, freedom of expression will have no meaning for US officials. There is basically no such thing as “adherence to freedom of expression” in US law.

The Americans are very hopeful that after the blocking of more than 33 websites belonging to the Axis of Resistance, the dissemination of news related to this axis in the region and the world will be disrupted. They have also counted on undermining the influence of resistance-oriented media on public opinion. Do you think these goals will be achieved?

This is not the first time the United States and Western countries have blocked resistance networks and websites. A review of past experience shows that this policy has always failed. For example, the Americans have previously blocked the broadcast of the Al-Manar network. But what happened? Al-Manar network resumed its activities with more power than before. Therefore, the Americans will not be able to create an achievement for themselves in this regard.

The Axis of Resistance will eventually come up with a solution through which it can resume its media activities. The technology available in the resistor allows it to resort to alternative solutions. In short, the recent US action against the media of the resistance was a foolish, oppressive and aggressive act, and no doubt the axis of resistance will find a way to prevent the consequences of this action.

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