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Saturday, September 21, 2024

US seeks delay in Vienna talks to coordinate with Israel

The United States seeks to delay the Vienna talks in order to make the necessary arrangements with the Zionist regime.

News sources reported on Thursday that the United States is seeking to postpone the next round of Vienna talks in order to coordinate with the new Israeli cabinet.

A source close to US President Joe Biden’s government told Reuters that Washington felt that the ongoing talks in Vienna to determine the status of the UN Security Council were worth delaying in order to coordinate with Israel.

Reuters reported: Israel’s new cabinet plans to send a team of sanctions experts to Washington to discuss ways to better implement the Comprehensive Joint Action Plan and the sanctions that should be maintained against Iran.

Reuters reported: The strategy is very different from the policy of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who did not intend to engage with the administration of Joe Biden on the return of the United States to the UN Security Council.

Last night, the “National” website reported, quoting informed sources that “Robert Mali”, the US Special Representative for Iran and the US delegation, predict that a new round of talks on Borjam will be held in Vienna soon.

Also on Tuesday, Politico reported that US officials had informed Iran that Joe Biden was unwilling to lift all of Donald Trump’s sanctions against Iran because he believed many of them were legal. .

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid plans to meet with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in Rome on Sunday.

One of the questions Lapid is expected to ask Blinken is what he means by the phrase “better and stronger agreement” with the UN Security Council.

While in power, Benjamin Netanyahu made many attempts to overthrow Burjam, including former US President Donald Trump, to oust him. He has repeatedly stressed that Trump has left the UN Security Council with his persuasion and has pursued a policy of “maximum pressure” against Iran.

Trump and Netanyahu hoped that maximum pressure could persuade Iran to come to the negotiating table to discuss a new agreement instead of Borjam.

Joe Biden government officials have repeatedly explicitly acknowledged the failure of the maximum pressure policy, saying they intend to bring the United States back to BRICS but have so far refused to take the necessary steps to return to the agreement.

Washington says it is only willing to lift sanctions against Iran if the two sides return to the Security Council. Washington’s claim comes at a time when Iran’s commitments are somewhat verifiable, but verification of the lifting of sanctions takes at least three to six months.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has stressed that, given that the United States has been a party to the breach of the agreement, it is Washington that must return to the agreement by lifting sanctions, and that the fulfillment of US obligations needs to be verified. Tehran, of course, has emphasized that it is not in a hurry to get the United States back to the agreement.

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