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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Lebanese Al-Mayadin Network: Iran’s ballot boxes upset foreign calculations

The Lebanese network Al-Mayadin reported that an hour before the end of the voting in the Iranian elections, the Iranians made their decision and disrupted the ballot boxes and calculations of foreigners.

Al-Mayadin News Network, at the same time as the presidential elections in Iran and within the framework of the special coverage of this event on Friday night, dedicated the last Friday night analytical program to the elections.

Al-Mayadin said in the report that “ballot boxes disrupted foreign accounts and books” and referred to the reaction of the Islamic Republic’s opposition abroad. , Asked: “Why is the West afraid of a democratic action that does not benefit it?”

The Lebanese network raised the question of whether the outcome of the election and the new change would halt or advance the nuclear deal by observing some Israeli media and saying that the echo of the Iranian election in Tel Aviv was strong and showed signs of concern.

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Election report in Tel Aviv

The presenter of Al-Mayadin continued: ‌ with a well-defined electoral essence, the Iranians mapped out their future roadmap, determined their options, and proved that disagreement is one thing and expression is another. This phenomenon is constant in Iranian society because the political life in this country shows the diversity of its society. Today’s Iranian election was not a nightmare in Western media coverage, and its press criticized it before the Iranian election, and at the same time interfered in the choice of voters; Behavior that contradicts the alphabet of democracy.

Al-Mayadin added, western media outlets, along with a Gulf media, were skeptical of the Iranian election, while the Supreme Leader of the Iranian Revolution said that some critics of the Iranian election did not know the difference between a ballot box and a fruit ballot box.

Hussein Raviran, an expert on political affairs in the region, was a guest on the analytical program “Al-Masa’iyyah” on Friday night and said that in the last 40 years of the revolution, no election has been canceled or postponed. The fact that elections are being held in Iran and no one is boycotting them shows that everyone is united inside Iran and wants change under the existing regime.

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In response to a question about how the United States views the US election and criticizes it before it is held, US Joe McCaron, a US political affairs expert in Washington, D.C., was another guest. The Donald Trump administration used to say that Iran is Khamenei’s regime and therefore there is no difference between a reformist and a non-reformist president. But the Biden government

The Iranian election is an expression of Iranians’ protest against years of US sanctions. While the US government is negotiating, it is also waiting for the election results.

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