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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Lebanon will collapse if a new cabinet is not formed

A Lebanese parliamentarian warned of the dire consequences of not forming a new government, saying: Lebanon will collapse if a new government is not formed.

According to Al-Ahd, Lebanese MP Ali Hassan Khalil spoke about the formation of a new government. He warned of the consequences of not forming a new government.

According to the report, the Lebanese MP stated: If the new Lebanese government is not formed as soon as possible, the country will collapse. The issue of forming a new government is an internal matter that does not require foreign intervention.

Earlier, the Lebanese Presidential Information Office issued a statement on the latest developments regarding the formation of the new Lebanese cabinet. The statement said: “Saad Hariri” shrugs off his responsibilities.

The Lebanese Presidential Information Office also added: Saad Hariri is not willing to take responsibility for forming the cabinet. He continues to insist on violating the Lebanese constitution in forming a new government.

The office said in a statement: The Lebanese president has always emphasized that he believes only in the constitutional authority in forming a new cabinet. Saad Hariri intends to undermine the powers conferred on the president to form a cabinet.

Recently, Michel Aoun sent a letter to members of the Lebanese parliament regarding the formation of a new Lebanese cabinet. Aoun announced in this letter: The failure to form a new government over the past few months has proven that Saad Hariri is unable to achieve this important goal.

In the letter, Michel Aoun also stated: The lack of a government has led to the emergence of political, economic and social problems in Lebanon. The inability of the Prime Minister to form a cabinet has made it virtually impossible to find solutions to the current problems.

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