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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Suspicious US project to build the world’s second largest embassy in Beirut

The US plan to build the world’s second largest embassy in Lebanon, similar to the one it built in Baghdad, is questionable in several respects and needs to be investigated.

One of the principles of foreign policy success of any country that wants to target or influence them with its policies in other countries or societies is to have sufficient knowledge and understanding of those countries and societies. This is not the case with the United States and Lebanon, because the United States has not yet had a complete and comprehensive understanding of Lebanon; therefore, it is making great efforts to infiltrate information in this country.

US policy toward Lebanon over the past few decades has always been in defense of the interests and security of the Israeli occupation regime, and based on this fact, US moves towards Beirut in recent months can be assessed from several angles.

US project to open the world’s second largest embassy in Lebanon

In this regard, the United States has recently started a project to build the US Embassy in Lebanon, which is said to be the second largest US embassy in the region, far from the coverage of Lebanese domestic and foreign media. The first major US embassy in the world and region is located in Iraq, but what seems questionable about the project in Lebanon is its size and the amount allocated to the construction process.

According to a document from the US State Department, $ 1.2 billion has been earmarked for the project, which is twice the $ 600 million budget for the US Embassy in Baghdad.

In 2015, David Hill, the former US ambassador to Lebanon, announced plans to build a new complex, emphasizing that the nearly $ 1 billion investment confirms a long-standing commitment to partnership between the United States and Lebanon.

This project can be considered one of the largest and most important American projects in the Middle East.

The US Embassy in Beirut wrote about the project: The new US Embassy facility in Beirut represents the best American culture in terms of engineering, technology, sustainability, art performance and construction.

But in the geographical and engineering specifications of the project, which raises many questions about the factors and motivations of Washington to build such an embassy in Lebanon, there are some things that will be very dangerous for Lebanon.

Informed sources state the details of the project as follows:

– The construction of this embassy began after the construction of its infrastructure in 2017 and will be completed in 2025, as predicted by the Americans.

– The area of ​​this embassy is equal to 174 thousand square meters, which is slightly smaller than the land area of ​​the American University in Beirut, which is 247 thousand square meters. About half of the embassy is reportedly set aside for the building and the rest for other projects to be developed in the future.

– This embassy is located at an altitude of 200 meters and overlooks the Beirut region and is approximately 6 km away.

– The embassy is approximately 290 km from Larnaca International Airport in Cyprus used by the US Department of Defense.

– The location of the embassy is located 250 meters from the site of the old US embassy, ​​and this information shows that there is a landing site for American helicopters in the old US embassy in Lebanon, which was used in the escape operation of “Amer Al-Fakhouri”, a spy for the Zionist regime. This means that the flight between Cyprus and the new US Embassy takes a maximum of 30 minutes.

– The new US Embassy in Lebanon includes several high-security buildings; So that they are made of walls with concrete layers. Also, the mentioned buildings are designed in such a way that they are located in the eastern side of this project and the western side of this project has empty spaces.

The role of US embassies in espionage and intelligence operations around the world have always been part of the US intelligence and espionage tools. In addition, the United States has recently expanded the role of its diplomats beyond their core mission, and the new tasks of these diplomats include gathering information from countries around the world;

As State Department employees begin collecting information from credit cards, passport numbers, work schedules, and other personal information from senior foreign officials.

Secret State Department telegrams released by WikiLeaks also show that State Department directives and instructions to US diplomats and spies have been deleted since 2008.

Some telegrams sent by the State Department to its diplomats show that the US government had asked them to provide details of communication networks that support armies and news agencies around the world.

In addition, the United States regularly sends its intelligence agents to various countries in the form of diplomatic missions.

In 2011, the intelligence service affiliated with the resistance service uncovered CIA activities in Lebanon related to details of the US spy system in Lebanon. The security service also revealed details of networks in Lebanon with the United States and the mechanism and objectives of recruiting spies. The head of the intelligence agency at the time was a man named Daniel Patrick McPhee, who worked as a diplomat at the US Embassy.

According to this information, experts warn that the security of Lebanon is once again at the center of poisonous US conspiracies; In particular, the Washington Post recently published a map of Lebanon’s geographical coordinates, which the Zionist regime claims belongs to the Lebanese resistance and will be Israel’s targets in the upcoming war with Hezbollah. WikiLeaks, on the other hand, revealed in a document that the US Embassy in Lebanon had warned American citizens about traveling to Lebanon on October 8 last year.

America’s long-term plan to destabilize Lebanon

The issuance of such a statement by the US Embassy in Lebanon, which was very ambiguous in terms of content and objectives, raises many questions about the method and timing of its issuance; In particular, US warnings to its citizens do not always reach them openly and are done in a confidential manner.

The head of the Center for Middle East Studies and Public Relations also believes that the US embassy in Beirut could not be separated from the Lebanese security incidents of the past decade, from the bombing of a church in the Zahla area to the abduction of seven Estonians and the publication of the Lebanese geographical coordinates by the Washington Post.

Washington conspiracy to repeat the Iraqi scenario in Lebanon

But once again we come to the issue of the new US embassy in Lebanon, which, as mentioned, has already been built in a wider dimension in Iraq. It is clear that a small, ordinary embassy similar to the old US embassy in Lebanon is capable of carrying out the normal diplomatic activities of one country in another, and there is no need to build such a building. In addition, we see the United States abandoning the world’s largest and most industrialized countries in Europe and spending billions of dollars to build such projects in the Middle East.

Looking at the role of the US Embassy in Baghdad in infiltrating the intelligence, political, social and security pillars and the lives of Iraqis in general, one can see the goals of repeating this scenario in Lebanon.

It is clear that countries such as Iraq and Lebanon do not have a special political position in US foreign policy, and the reason for US attention to them is Washington’s interests in these countries and their strategic and geopolitical position. Most importantly, the presence of resistance groups in Lebanon and Iraq, and in particular Hezbollah, which is the great nightmare of America’s main ally in the region, the Zionist regime, is one of Washington’s most important motivations for infiltrating the two countries; As history has shown, Americans do not spare any conspiracy to destroy or weaken the resistance.

In this situation, the Lebanese should learn to be smart in dealing with this project in their own country, learning from the conditions created by the United States through its embassy in Iraq.

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