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Friday, September 20, 2024

Cancellation of Moroccan ministers’ visit to Tel Aviv in protest of the Zionist regime’s official remarks

A number of Moroccan ministers canceled their visit to occupied Palestine in protest of the Israeli interventionist intervention in Rabat and the recent aggression against the Gaza Strip.

Al-Shabaab, an organization affiliated with the Maghreb Justice and Reconciliation Party, reacted to the interventionist remarks of David Gouverin, the charge d’affaires of the Zionist regime’s liaison office in Rabat.

Gourin criticized Moroccan Prime Minister Saad al-Din al-Osmani for congratulating Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political bureau, on the victory of the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza war.

Guarin wrote on his Twitter account: “I am moved by the remarks of the Moroccan Prime Minister Al-Osmani, who congratulated the terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad backed by Iran.”

Al-Shabaab called Gwarin’s remarks a ransom and congratulated the Palestinian people on their brilliant victory in the recent Gaza war, and praised the Palestinians’ stability in Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank and the occupied territories of 1969.

According to Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper, a number of Moroccan ministers also canceled their visit to occupied Palestine under an agreement signed with the Israeli side in the framework of bilateral cooperation.

Moroccan sources quoted the ministers as stressing that developments in Palestine would not allow such a trip, and that such a trip by ministers not affiliated with the Justice and Democracy Party could lead to a political crisis.

Earlier, the Maghreb Justice and Reconciliation Party reacted to Gwarin’s remarks at a news conference: “[Guarin] has intervened in matters unrelated to him, and we are pleased that there is a consensus in the Maghreb against this diplomatic stupidity.”

Last December 22, an official US-Israeli delegation visited the Moroccan capital, Rabat, and Moroccan Prime Minister Saad al-Din al-Osmani signed a joint statement on the country’s relations with the United States and the Zionist regime.

Morocco is the fourth Arab country after the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan to normalize relations with the Zionist regime in 2020.

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