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Friday, September 20, 2024

Has Israel suffered a political and security failure?

Firas Yaghi, director of the Center for International and Hebrew Hebrew Research, said: The level of deterrence has varied, and the Israeli security service has admitted that it has not been able to deter people inside the Gaza Strip, especially after the Saif al-Quds conflict.

The rebel said: We saw how the Palestinian people united with Gaza in the West Bank and inside Palestine and Al-Shattat for a large-scale conflict with the Zionist occupiers.

He stressed: The situation in the region is in favor of resistance and against the arrogance and colonialism that has dominated the Middle East.

He added: The Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank did not stop fighting the occupiers for a day, and the occupiers could not impose what they wanted on the Palestinian resistance, and the Palestinian people, especially with a full axis in the region, must confront colonialism and arrogance in the region.

He added: Israel’s security system pays close attention to events in the region, not just Gaza, the achievements of Operation Sword of Quds, the events in Lebanon over the arrival of Iranian oil that broke the siege of Lebanon, and the US Caesar’s law in Syria to give the green light Led, examines.

He added: Israel is facing a full front in the region, so it knows full well that, especially with the US withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years, any conflict will take place on several fronts, not one.

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