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Friday, September 20, 2024

Pakistan: Western countries should accept the new reality in Afghanistan

Foreign minister of Pakistan has warned that isolating the Taliban will lead to a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and called on Western countries to accept the new reality in the country.

According to the regional office of Pak Sahafat news agency Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi called on Britain and other Western governments to “accept the new reality in Afghanistan” and provide humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan as soon as possible.

Qureshi told The Independent that Britain and other Western countries were not doing enough to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and should help Afghanistan “without making aid conditional on political issues”.

Addressing Western countries, Foreign minister of Pakistan added: Isolation (of the Taliban interim government) will not help, it will lead to a humanitarian crisis, it will lead to economic collapse, and it will create space for elements that are not useful to you, me or anyone else.

He mentioned: Chaos facilitates the presence of these elements in Afghanistan, now if the Taliban say positive things, push them in that direction, do not push them aside.

Qureshi went on to call the allegations of Pakistani covert support for the Taliban “lies” and “propaganda.”

Qureshi told The Independent that Britain and other Western countries were not doing enough to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and should help Afghanistan “without making aid conditional on political issues”.

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