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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Lebanese analyst: Iran’s fuel import is the beginning of the failure of the siege and Washington’s anti-resistance projects

After Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, announced Iran’s first fuel carrier has sailed for Lebanon, and the United States and its allies, realizing the failure of all their anti-resistance projects in Lebanon, rushed to offer proposals to resolve the Lebanese fuel crisis to prevent Iranian fuel from reaching Lebanon; but that did not happen, and according to Lebanese sources, the first shipment of Iranian ships that docked in the Syrian port of Banias will be transported to Lebanon by tankers in the coming days.

In this regard, we have conducted an interview with “Naji Amhez”, a prominent Lebanese writer and political analyst and expert on West Asian issues.

Naji Amhez said in an interview that anti-Hezbollah parties and forces realized that after the announcement of the import of fuel shipments from the Islamic Republic of Iran to Lebanon, they had failed, both politically and in terms of services, and all the options to destroy Hezbollah through the economic collapse and the starvation of the Lebanese people, who were counting on them, have fallen. Of course, these forces had long ago mobilized all their media facilities and tools to incite public opinion against Hezbollah and to introduce the party as responsible for everything that is happening in Lebanon.

He said: “Anti-Hezbollah parties think that the arrival of Iranian oil in Lebanon means increasing popular support for the resistance and its axis, and strengthens its influence.” Especially since Iranian fuel will form a security ring for all Lebanese. We are talking here about the parties that use this fuel; That is, hospitals and bakeries and even power plants. Certainly, the import of Iranian fuel to Lebanon will benefit the resistance in the elections, and there are other groups that claim that the resistance will benefit materially from the import of Iranian fuel.

The Lebanese analyst continued that many also intend to turn Iran’s fuel imports into Lebanon a disaster; Because they know that Hezbollah’s goal in importing Iranian fuel is to raise the dignity of the Lebanese people and remove their humiliation, who are standing in long lines at gas stations.

In addition, we must mention the waste of public property and waste of citizens’ time and do not forget that one of the most important positive points of Iran’s fuel imports to Lebanon is the stability of bread prices and also saving hospitals, patients, towns and villages from power outages due to the constant power outages, they are suffering from insane price increases.

Hezbollah opposition groups also know that this party will save the Lebanese treasury and people and free them from the greed and hoarding of some.

He stressed, however, that Lebanese society suffers from hateful sectarian prejudice, and that there is also a large gap in strategic choices that negates the positive. In particular, the US government, together with some reactionary Arab forces, is trying to incite anti-Hezbollah and Iranian fuel, and we have seen and heard how the US government reacted quickly to this request and requested the transfer of Lebanese gas and electricity through Syrian territory.

The Lebanese writer continued the conversation, the US response to the issue of fuel imports from Iran to Lebanon and its rush to ask Egypt and Jordan to transfer gas and electricity to Lebanon by circumventing the “Caesar Law” is not surprising.

According to Amhzeh, the US government knows that Iran’s import of fuel to Lebanon is a prelude to the failure of the siege and the sanctions that Washington has imposed not only on Lebanon but also on many other countries.

So the Americans rushed to block Iran’s fuel imports; especially since the United States and the Zionist enemy are unable to target this cargo. They can never do that; because they know that in this case the region will enter a war that will not end in a short time.

Naji Amhaz continued, So the US government’s options are very limited and it has no choice but to retreat and surrender to what the Lebanese people want. This means that Hezbollah has brought victory to the Lebanese people in various ways. The import of Iranian fuel to Lebanon is a new dawn for the axis of resistance and its allies, and in this situation, the allies of the resistance will increase; Because the economic factor also changes the political and national factors.

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