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Friday, September 20, 2024

America and defeat in the longest war

According to many experts and analysts, the rise of the Taliban and the fall of Afghanistan indicate the defeat of Washington‘s costly interventions in the country.

With the Taliban advancing in Afghanistan, which has taken control of much of the Central Asian country, many analysts have described Washington’s costly intervention in the country as a major setback.

According to the New York Times, the withdrawal of Washington-led NATO foreign forces marks a setback in two decades of military presence in the region. According to the US media, the Taliban’s relentless aggression showed that Washington’s efforts to transform the Afghan army into an independent and stable militant force have been in vain, despite investing more than $ 83 billion in weapons, equipment and training.

The Hill newspaper also reported: The fall of Afghanistan following the US withdrawal is a catastrophe that could have bitter consequences for Washington’s credibility on the world stage, especially against Russia and China.

The Washington Post also wrote in an analytical note with a meaningful headline: From Pride to Depression: The US military has suffered a major setback in Afghanistan.

Experts agree that the lesson the White House should learn from this experience is to be more prudent in using its military power and to pursue more specific goals, and to be more humble in claiming “societal change.”

Many politicians and political analysts have criticized US President Joe Biden for leaving Afghanistan and blamed him for the Afghan conflict; however, he said he did not regret his decision to withdraw his troops from the country and called on the Kabul government to defend its territory.

Analysts believe that the Taliban’s attacks and seizures, which show the defeat of Afghan government forces, are in fact a sign of the defeat of the United States, which is in the worst condition since the start of the war in October 2001.

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The mass exodus of civilians is a tangible sign that a military presence in the Central Asian country has been of little use to the United States, which has lost about 3,000 troops in the conflict and lost 30,000 troops physically and mentally.

However, some believe the US goal was to assassinate bin Laden, the leader of the Taliban-backed extremist group al-Qaeda, which was blamed for the 9/11 attacks.

But in the end, 10 years after he was assassinated in Pakistan, the deployment of foreign troops on Afghan soil continued, with nothing to do with fighting terrorism and stabilizing their claims in that land, but they left nothing for the people of Afghanistan except chaos and an unknown future.

Will US war crimes go unpunished during their 20 years in Afghanistan?

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On the other hand, according to some observers, the simultaneous advance of the Taliban and the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan is not a coincidence. Washington, whose heavy shadow in Afghanistan has caused great suffering to the people of this country, is strengthening the insurgency to find justification for future missions in the interests of this Asian country.

US President Joe Biden recently announced the deployment of 5,000 troops to Afghanistan to facilitate the departure of American citizens from the country. Washington has previously said it has sent 3,000 troops to withdraw its embassy staff from Kabul as the Taliban advance into Afghanistan.

Although Western media have reported that the forces have been sent to secure the departure of diplomats and foreign nationals, some sources have said that the forces have come to Kabul to secure flights and transfer power in Afghanistan.

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