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How does Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah’s equation for Quds end the existence of Israel?

In an article, former Lebanese Prime Minister Dr. Salim al-Huss examines the importance of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah‘s equation entitled “Quds versus regional war” and its role in ending the existence of the occupying regime.

According to the Syrian newspaper Al-Watan, former Lebanese Prime Minister Dr. Salim al-Huss wrote in an article: Our main issue now is Quds; because if Quds is destroyed, Palestine is lost, and if Palestine is destroyed, the Islamic Arab nation will be destroyed.

This article by Dr. Salim al-Huss is not a political statement or intended to establish a specific position but as an Arab politician and academic, after conducting in-depth studies on the details of the Palestinian issue as a national, Islamic and Arab issue, he concluded that Quds is a common religious and political symbol and constitutes the main pillars of the Palestinian issue and the Arab Islamic nation.

Accordingly, the former Lebanese Prime Minister believes that due to the importance of Al-Quds, the conspiracies intended to occupy Al-Quds should be eliminated by all possible means, and in this case, the end of Zionist existence and the consequent destruction of the Israeli occupation project in Palestine will be achieved.

According to the report, the Israeli invasion of Egypt in 1967 was not solely aimed at ousting then-President Gamal Abdel Nasser, one of the leaders in the fight against the Zionist project; Rather, the Zionists wanted to occupy the city of Jerusalem in Palestine due to its religious and political status, and on the other hand, the original Israeli occupation project against Palestine and its elimination was possible only after the occupation of Jerusalem and its declaration as the capital of the Zionist regime.

Dr. Salim Al-Huss wrote in his article: Al-Quds is the key to the Palestinian cause and issue, and it is a complex code that must be deciphered; especially if we want to destroy the Israeli occupation project in Palestine. Also, according to the symbol and religious and political value of Jerusalem, this city does not belong only to Palestine; it is Islamic for the whole Arab Arab nation.

 According to this article, “Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah”, Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, launched a new strategy for the axis of resistance with the focus on stopping the Zionist regime’s aggression against Jerusalem, and presented his strategic slogan as follows: “Any encroachment on Jerusalem and its sanctuaries will end at a regional war.”

Many observers, researchers and even the Zionist enemy were surprised by the equation of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah; Because the Zionist officials know very well that the slogan of the Secretary General of Hezbollah is equal to reality; As has been proven in the past. Also, this equation, which the Secretary General of Hezbollah stated, is a qualitative and strategic development on the agenda of the resistance, which enables it to be ready to enter any war, and this is the result of planning and technical and military progress in the entire axis of resistance.

The former Lebanese Prime Minister continued his article that Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah raised the slogan of Quds against regional war based on accurate calculations; Because he is well aware of the religious and political importance of Al-Quds and he also knows the intentions and conspiracies of the Zionist enemy. Moreover, the new equation announced by Hezbollah’s secretary general about Quds does not mean maintaining the status quo in the city; Rather, this equation shows that the countdown to the destruction of the occupying Zionist regime has begun, and that this is the equation that guarantees the definitive end of any occupation of Palestine.

Dr. Salim Al-Huss added: What everyone knows about Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, and it is well known, is that he does not use harsh slogans with the aim of making a fuss, or that he is not merely a threatening person. Hezbollah’s secretary general says what he is sure of and has done a careful study and calculation.

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah also reiterated the slogan “Quds and regional war” at the opening of the National Media Conference, which was recently held to promote the discourse of resistance in Lebanon, and stressed the need to reach the realization stage of this slogan, saying that the historical development in the Battle of the Sword of Quds is that the Gaza Resistance entered the war to protect Quds and its people, and not just to protect the people of Gaza, and this is what the axis of resistance is based on.

The report states: Resistance groups in the Gaza Strip entered the war with the aim of preventing the forced displacement of people from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Al-Quds by the Zionist enemy, and the strategic change in the Palestinian resistance was in the same category of defending Al-Quds.

In this regard, 3 points are important:

  • Following the recent Gaza war, several meetings and media seminars were held in Beirut to discuss the necessary frameworks to protect the achievements of the Battle of the Sword, which was accompanied by the victory of resistance groups. In this context, the importance and role of the media becomes clear; Because after the end of the battle of the Sword of Quds and also during this war, the resistance media completely covered it in the form of news, analysis, video reports, etc but unfortunately, the propaganda and emphasis on the Quds equation in the face of the regional war that resulted from the battle of the Quds Sword has stopped.
  • The second point to note is that since the recent war in Gaza, the Zionist enemy has continued to besiege the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem and attack their houses from time to time and we are also witnessing the repetition of the attacks of the settlers and the extremist militias of the Zionist regime on Al-Aqsa Mosque, which must be dealt with decisively.
  • The third point is that the establishment of the slogan of defending Jerusalem should not be limited to the defense of Islamic and Christian sanctities, but the resistance deterrence operation should continue so that the Zionist enemy understands that the realities on the ground after the battle of the Quds Sword are not the same as before, and as Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah emphasized, any aggression against the people of Quds or manipulation of the geography and identity of this city will lead to a regional war.

Dr. Salim Al-Huss further emphasized: Since our only battle with the enemies is that what is taken by force is taken back only by force, the axis of resistance and its missile force must prevent the enemy from taking any action aimed at occupying the lands and displacing the people of Quds.

He concluded by noting that the deterrence process should be in line with what has recently happened in southern Lebanon; Where the Zionist enemy tried to break the rules of conflict that had prevailed since 2006; But the resistance missile response led to the retreat of the enemy. Also, since the enemy only understands the language of force, the equation of the Quds sword must be stabilized with missiles fired from Gaza at the Zionist enemy. And not only the Palestinian resistance groups, but all the axis of resistance from Gaza to southern Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and even Yemen are obliged to participate in this mission in order to finally achieve the strategic equation of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and make it a stable and effective equation at any time. Accordingly, all Arab compromisers realize that the Axis of Resistance now has the will and the steadfast power that allows it to be ready at any time to defend regional Jerusalem and Palestine in a regional war.

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